PlEASE HELP SAVE MY MMJ PLANT. 3rd Grow Attempt Failing.

This is my third grow and I don't want it to be my 3rd unsuccessful one. I already invested so much time in this one, ill FN loose it if my plant dies. I mean not to beg for empathy but to encourage answers as Ive received a lack of them in the past. This is my Medicine. Ive been living with Aids for a few years now. I can't afford to pay the amount I currently am for my MMJ and I have no other resources besides growing my own to help me out. So please help me out.

I did alot of research and have thought about what the potential problems are. I just need advice on which route to go for fixing them.

I started from 12/12 and now am getting buds at day 32. I have my bottom leaves yellow and dead. The tops are curling from the outter edges inwards. My newer bud sites on the inner nodes are surrounded by badly dropping leaves. And I have red stems that I think are going green again. Im unsure. This is starting to happen with all of my plant. The rest of the leaves look healthy atm, & buds are still developing fine.

Heres my equipment.

Sta-Green Moisture Max potting mix with time released fertilizers. I really think this is the issue. It has water holding polymers and from what I understand alot of them. To keep from under watering but I fear its holding too much moisture.
I checked, it has time release nutes that work for up to 9 months. :shock:

Phosphate- 0.11%
K level-0.8%

I started her on half strength Fox Farm Tiger Bloom 2 days ago and havent watered her since. I only used it once so I dont know if its an issue.

I have one small fan in the grow box, with blankets covering it for the dark period. I think I can assume I need better ventilation, but could lack of it be responsible for my problems?

And finally I have no way of knowing my PH. I have a water filtration system, so I use carbon filtered tap water.

Until I throw pics up thats all I can note down atm.

What could be the issue? Too much moisture? A nute deficiency? Bad ventilation or maybe the growing mix.:confused::cry:

All input and solutions are greatly appreciated.!

EDIT: Heres some pics, please excuse the quality.





The roots are white and theres alot of them, is this a sign of healthy roots? And do these pics help confirm anything.


Undercover Mod
Pics? Sorry but its hard to fix a problem w/o seeing it. It may be a combination of several factors. Hows your ventilation? How many lumens are you using per sq ft? Are you letting the soil dry out before watering?
I am letting the water dry up to two inches from the top of the soil. But I am still seeing signs of over watering. I didnt have this issue with last grows until I switched to this moisture holding crap soil. Oh and Its under 5 26 watt 2700k cfls. 1750 lumens each. I keep them no farther then 3 inches from the plant. I plan on adding more light soon.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you seem to be saying it all yourself. lose that soil mix. pot your own mix up (potting oil, perlite, coarse building sand etc) and see what happens. it does kinda sound like overwatering and or nutrient burn (you mention nutrients for upto 9 months, that's not good! what kind of health do they have when young considering there is all this stuff in the mix from the get-go?)
you seem to be saying it all yourself. lose that soil mix. pot your own mix up (potting oil, perlite, coarse building sand etc) and see what happens. it does kinda sound like overwatering and or nutrient burn (you mention nutrients for upto 9 months, that's not good! what kind of health do they have when young considering there is all this stuff in the mix from the get-go?)
When she was young she really flourished and took off like crazy. It was almost unreal how fast she grew for the first two weeks.
Then it was about day 25 when I saw signs of what seemed like a lack of nitrogen/over watering but that was before I read what was in the soil mix. Now I just have to figure out what to use for a new medium and try and go from there.
When she was young she really flourished and took off like crazy. It was almost unreal how fast she grew for the first two weeks.
Then it was about day 25 when I saw signs of what seemed like a lack of nitrogen/over watering but that was before I read what was in the soil mix. Now I just have to figure out what to use for a new medium and try and go from there.

I've always gone with Fox Farms regular soil mixture, and their nutrients as well. I'm pretty sure these companies pay people money to make sure their products work together, so instead of trying to become a scientist and thinking I can do it better, I figured I'd leave it to them. Check your water's pH and your off!

Also the leaves curling could be another sign of extreme temperatures.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah what he said 1st check ph 2nd if it feed for 9 months dont feed it. water less and see what happens to. dont use the top is dry method to water use the pick the pot up and see how light it feels. the top may be dry and the bottom my be drowning
yeah what he said 1st check ph 2nd if it feed for 9 months dont feed it. water less and see what happens to. dont use the top is dry method to water use the pick the pot up and see how light it feels. the top may be dry and the bottom my be drowning
I just added pics, but the pot feels heavy as heck, and the bottom dirt was really wet. Damn this water retaining soil, can my plant recover?
I've always gone with Fox Farms regular soil mixture, and their nutrients as well. I'm pretty sure these companies pay people money to make sure their products work together, so instead of trying to become a scientist and thinking I can do it better, I figured I'd leave it to them. Check your water's pH and your off!

Also the leaves curling could be another sign of extreme temperatures.
thanks man. Im going to go the place I got my tiger bloom and hopefully they have some. Does the soil need any thing added or mixed with it, or do most people use it straight from the bag? Also I added some pics if it helps at all. The leafs feel thick and healthy, some a little crispy.