Please Help! Sick Plants . What I am Doing Wrong?


I have some autoflowers(big bang) and I am trying!!! to grow them. I have them in front of my window , day temp 25 night temp 18 with very good sunlight. I gave them just some grams fertilizer(I am not sure if is the propert one. the first plant is 40 days old and the other 2 about 20 days old. you can see the yellow leaves. please help me!!!! I don't know what I am doing wrong. Please if you know how to cure my plants will be helpfull. thanks.


Active Member
what type of soil are u using are u just using sunlight as ur light source and how often are u watering them 2 me its 2 possible things i can think ur problem is a : not enough light and u got a nute burn : B over watering and wrong soil type and nute lockout on ur plants


Well-Known Member
to me they look like they are over watered and mebe a lil nute burn .. soil most likely to hot and don't feed nutes till they are needing it!