Please help Sick plants


Well-Known Member
omg, thats fucking awful! damn man, i feel your pain i had one do this b4, in my case it was underwatering and heat stress. how are those doing in your setup?


Looks like you have a mold problem. Do you know the humidity level in your grow space? Needs to be under 50%. How about the temp? You should water when your lights are on to avoid any moisture on the leave and buds when they do go out. First remove the dead plant tissue and affected areas, then apply a fungicide. I'm quite sure that's your problem.

Hope that helps save your smoke!!


Well-Known Member
Are those the same buds in your avatar pic? Thats a drastic change man. Like the other guy said you have a mold problem.


Haven't thought about mold. Humidity is on the high side because I have 7 full grown plants in a 2x4x7h grow box. Watering properly adds a lot of humidity under a 400w HPS light. How would I lower the humidity? Where can I find a fungicied to treat my girls before life is over for them?


Well-Known Member
by the time you pick off those dead leaves, you'll have perfectly manicured buds. But, eh least their nice and fat. How do the trichs look?


Garden safe fungicide, you can get it at wally world or any garden store supplier. As for the humid and heat. You just need to get a better ventilation system, like an air-conditioner or an air vent tubing. Just any way to get dry air in there. A dehumidifier works, but can generate a lot of heat.


I live in the south and daily temps reach 96-100 degrees in the summer. It's and indoor grow in a grow box in an a/c room. Don't know how to keep them cooler.


Well-Known Member
90 is fine as long as u have good air flow, i think everyone thought ur temps inside were 96-100f. turn that fan on to high and maybe add another one.


First noticed yellowing 6/25. Thought it was light burn so I raised my light head room up 24".
get a dehumidifier . or if outside air is less thatn 50 percent humidity vent more fresh air to your chamber. the only strain I have heard of yelllowing like that is l.a. confidential so i hope your growing that.
physan nuclear mold option 1 ml per 10 gallon res. 1 1/2 fluid ounces per gal for other general cleaning.