please help some shit is happening to my plants!!!!!!

ok the strain is white widow and i started feeding them house and garden nutrients a month ago and everything was fine but i noticed a small amount of the bottom fan leaves going purple brown towards the tip then spreads to the whole leaf eventualy making the leaf crispy brown and yellow and i don't think its nutrients because the ppm never went over 600 and i have the ph at 6.3 it has been getting worse and its climbing up the plant i did a grow last time with 3 white widow and 3 aroura the 3 white widow started the same and then pretty much were over taken by it and only gave me a lil bud and the aroura were fine i been looking online and the pictures dont seem to help me find out whats wrong i saw a pic of calcium deficency and it kinda looks like that but realy bad and i flushed the plants two days ago and watered it today with reverse osmosis phed water with a lil calcium and i dont know what to do if you can help me find out whats wrong please :sad::sad::sad:


Weed Modifier
Pic would help? To better understand what you are seeing.

What is the NPK on the food?
i think its mag deficency i just read about it so i think i am going to water them with half strength nuts and two teaaspoons epsom salt per gallon and spray them with 2 percent epsom salt it said i should seem it get better in 4 to 6 days idk i will see and get back to you thank you guys