PLEASE HELP!! STONER IN NEED of SOME sound advice!!!


Active Member
Hey I have a drug test on june 29. I need to get high but cant smoke. I heard in HIGH TIMES that marijuana TEA or BROWNIES dont stay in you system as long as when you smoke. Can some onelse help me out and explain how long brownies are in your system for or tea. Doews the THC come out after a day or days or week or weeks. PLEASE HELP. Thanks:neutral:


Well-Known Member
thc metabolites appears to breakdown thc no matter how you introduce it in to your body.
these metabolites are what is tested for in a urine test.
they can stay in the system for anywhere from 14 to 60 days depending on use and independent variables.
it can remain in hair follicles for up to 90 days.

sound advice. dont smoke.


get some 94% kavalactone paste...itll take the edge off...kava has a natural benzodiazepine effect like xanax/clonazepam but the paste is much stronger, and will make your mouth all numb like coke...enjoy

blue lotus resin is also pretty good mixed with a lil wine or liquor or rolled up in a cigarette w/ sum tobacco

both of these have reverse tolerance effects on the body another +