Please help, true smoker first grow second log... Defiecency?


Help one dead (very quickly) three left

Hi, this is my first grow... everythings been smooth, some difficulty during flowering though... ok
I use distilled water
outdoor grow
they get 10 hours of sun a day
feed with water soluble 9-14-8 african violet shultz bloom booster and colorburst 15 30 15 granules.
i know it isnt nute burn, if anything i feed them less than they should cause of burn fear
theyre all about 7 feet tall probably sativa theyre really bamboo like, used bagseeds

so 4 days ago my thickest one started to wilt and get muddy brown rubber leaves... 2 days passed with no action because i didnt have my test pills and it shriveled up like a raisin and died... every leaf at once.EVERYTIME I HAVE TESTED THEM THEY TEST WITH LOW OR NO PHOSPHORUS AND ADEQUATE IN NITROGEN AND POTASH... i thought it was from the ph being to high... it had been at 7.0 for almost the whole grow, so i brought it down with natural remedies and now its sittin pretty at 6.0 which i thought was supposed to get rid of phosphorus lockout but they still arent getting any... the "death" as i call it, starts from top to bottom, most fan leaves fall off really easily i dont pluck unless they brush off in a breeze easily... but now the vegetation around the top flowers is wilting and getting that same muddy brown and the tips of a few pistils are browning... i know its phosphorus I JUST CANT FIGURE IT OUT I LOAD THEM WITH PHOSPHATE RICH FOODS ORGANIC AND NOT... THE PH AS FLUCTUATED WITH NO CHANGE... SOMEONE PLEASE HELP I HAVE NO PICS CAUSE NO CAMERA............ (you wont find another hobby with such active forums full of helpful nice people for a better cause than growing marijuana.):cuss: GROWIN DOPE IS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS
I also have red veins on the one that has the worst symptoms of P deficiency. Since I first posted that "one" has dried and browned on the tops on the tips around the flowers... another symptom is the tips of the leaves shrivel and roll up muddy clay then brown... they sound shitty but they still look good and fruitful, the best advice I ever got for this hobby is to diagnose symptoms quickly and fix them, but I am baffled, and worried about my girls.

PS: I live in the south and it has been pretty hot for them (95degree average), I planted a little early... early april, they are three weeks into flower, I've been forcing flower... scheduling it so theyre up for when the sun isnt so hot, spritz them with pure water ingredients H2O every 2 hours when they are up..

In summation, All plants have been tested a bunch and exhibit a P deficiency, all plants have symptoms of P deficiency plant A is healthy and bushy Plant B Has the worse P symptoms and browning tips on the tops, Plant C is a beauty and thick and sprawled out but has no P on tests either. Plant D is dead... D for dead, all leaves shriveled up, i clung on to hope but it had no way to grab energy from the sun... she wouldve been a beaut to!!! GORGEOUS, im obsessed... plants PH LEVELS ON PLANT A AND B ARE 5.8 I DID THAT TO STOP P LOCKOUT PLANT C IS AT 6.5


Well-Known Member
Hmm...that's a tough one. I would think that it's something fairly significant, but it just isn't popping put at me, atm. I highly doubt that it's a PH problem, unless your measuring method, needs calibrated? It's not far enough out of spec, to cause premature death, like that. I keep mine at 6.8, purposely, and never have any problems. A few runs back, my soil PH was in the 7.1-7.4 range, and didn't have any problems there, either. *scratches head*

Out of curiosity,....what is your feeding schedule, and how strong do you mix your fert?


Out of curiosity,....what is your feeding schedule, and how strong do you mix your fert?

i feed them twice a week with the 15 30 15 granules... mix it in, and everytime i water which is once every 2 or 3 days i add the 8 14 9 african violet water soluble liquid stuff.


Well-Known Member
I had a sativa last year that did that, and i found it was root rot, check your pots. Also, are you spritzing them in the sun? If so you may be burning the leaves. That is all i can think of at the moment without pics. Overwatering? Pots? Need more pertinent info


Well-Known Member
I'd say that they're getting too much fert, 'causing P to get locked out. That African Violet is at approx 50% stronger than the majority of cannabis-specific ferts, plus, they're getting a dose from those granules, everytime you water/feed. I'd say that every 2-3 days, is waaaay more than they need, at least twice as much, maybe more. I'd back off if I were you, and try skipping every other feeding, then only mixed at 50%, when they do get fed, at 5-7 day intervals. It'd be a good idea to start foliar feeding, about an hour before 'lights on', also. It'll keep the plants fed, til the soil problem is under control. :)


i'd say that they're getting too much fert, 'causing p to get locked out. That african violet is at approx 50% stronger than the majority of cannabis-specific ferts, plus, they're getting a dose from those granules, everytime you water/feed. I'd say that every 2-3 days, is waaaay more than they need, at least twice as much, maybe more. I'd back off if i were you, and try skipping every other feeding, then only mixed at 50%, when they do get fed, at 5-7 day intervals. It'd be a good idea to start foliar feeding, about an hour before 'lights on', also. It'll keep the plants fed, til the soil problem is under control. :)
i sincerely appreciate your help your advice sounds good... I flushed them out today till the water coming out the bottom was was orange coming out, prolly from all that extra feed. As for foliar feed I cant find, and don't know how to foliar feed... im scared of foliar feeds to be honest, all i have is my mister bottle, no hose so all the miracle gro foliar feed hose attachment things are ruled out and thats all i could find at home depot. I tried using my schultz 10-10-10 mix to foliar feed, got a bit hasty, i fed a little b4 sunrise and put in one drop for a quart, the recommended if you were to use it for soil feed is 7 drops a quart, i lightly dusted them and the pattern of brown dots that got left behind was the same pattern as the mist i sprayed (at first I thought it was tons of mites :P) that was way before i even logged on to this bitchin site. please reply THANK YOU


UPDATE: just flushed soil, took samples of water coming out the bottom... no phosphorus, tons of nitrogen and tons of potash, what does it all mean? if i flush and start from neutral/follow your feed schedule will it remedy this?