Please help, very confused :S


Active Member
Hi :) I have a problem with yellowing lower leaves. I have read a bit into what could be causing this but have yet to decifer what is wrong.

I have 6 12-28 day seedlings which I recently transplanted into smaller pots as to avoid the roots becoming entwined.

I am using 5 24-45 watt CFL's and 3 17 watt flourescent T5 tubes.

The plants were doing well until I transplanted them, despite the ph. being a little higher than it should (about 7.5).

I'm thinking this could be a nitrogen deficieny but considering their age I am reluctant to give them fertiliser at the moment.

If it is a ph. imbalance is there anything I can do other than flush the plants?
I tested the ph. of our water and it's 8.0! Plus flushing them may expose what i'm doing :S I need to be discreet for the sake of my housemates.

I'm relly quite stuck at the moment so if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
Cheer's in advance

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
7.5 is a little high, even for soil. I'd try using molasses to help bring the PH down, and try feeding 1 of the ones that are over 3 weeks old. If it's nitrogen you'll see results in a couple days.


Active Member
I have a little time.Want help let's start with what are you checking you ph with?Are you adjusting it any with your meter?


Active Member
let's start with what are you checking you ph with?
It's a hydroponics test kit. You know the one where you take a runoff sample and add the solution?

Are you adjusting it any with your meter?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this...if you mean have I notice any changes than I can tell you when I first mixed the soil (50% soil, 25% perlite, 25% vermiculite and a hanfull of dolmite lime) the ph. reading was 8.0! so I have managed to get it down to 7.5 since than.

Greenmoss, i'm in the process of finding out what molasses are :P and thankyou for the advice :)


Well-Known Member
post a pic youll get more info back that way it could be a problem or nothing pics help alot.


Active Member
I don't know why you would have a high ph with a good mix like that.Never used lime think you may have added to much?Hope you used good soil.not el cheapo if not ocean forest the most expensive organic.Usually holds a good ph of 6 to 6.5


Well-Known Member
You need the ph to come down to 6.5.
at 6.6 they start taking up less N and by the time you hit over 7.0 they are starving for N.
Yeah like said above, the Molasses will drop the ph fast.


Active Member
I really hope it wasn't the lime cos it was a mission to get that stuff! :P And yes it was el-cheapo for the soil but like I said it worked wonders before I transplanted them...

Guess I'll work on getting the ph. down first. Is it a bad idea to fertilise in small doses at the same time?


Active Member
You need the ph to come down to 6.5.
at 6.6 they start taking up less N and by the time you hit over 7.0 they are starving for N.
Yeah like said above, the Molasses will drop the ph fast.
Damn that's something I probably should have known before I strted :/ Good stuff to know now though, thanks. Does anyone know where to get this stuff? It it sold in supermarkets?


Active Member
Guys to be safer you might add how to mix mollases .I don't know or would.But after two saying it I beleive.Best to avoid over 6.5.riu rocks. I meant to say ocean forest or some expensive organic.Being not available everywere peace oregon024


Well-Known Member
What you are describing, sounds pretty normal too me.

It is pretty common for these girls to start to yellow their first few bottom leaves.

Another thing to remember; " When you transplant, allot of times you can loose or have broken many of the smaller feeder roots of the plants......even when very careful. "

when this is done " wich is more often than most want to probably admitt, the Trees and most other plants, will feed from the leaves, to replace the smaller roots that were damaged and of course the result, is yellowing leaves that are being used for root repare. "

If that be your case also, completely normal and they recover with no problems.

Do not get worried about lower leaves yellowing and higher leaves will typically yellow up during flowering, until all of the leaves drop off, the plant is almost dead and the buds are Truly Ripe.


Rev. TheNatural


He is saying that it's best to avoid having a pH level of higher than 6.5, stay right around 6. Good luck :)


Active Member
He is saying that it's best to avoid having a pH level of higher than 6.5, stay right around 6. Good luck :smile:
Ahh I see, and thankyou :)

when this is done " wich is more often than most want to probably admitt, the Trees and most other plants, will feed from the leaves, to replace the smaller roots that were damaged and of course the result, is yellowing leaves that are being used for root repare. "
I find that extremely interesting and reasurring, thankyou so much for that tid-bit of advice, it makes a lot of sense considering the circumstances. Cheers :) :)


Molasses is basically refined sugar , you can get it from tesco, sainsbury's etc for about 2quid, not sure on how to administer it to the lovely ladies but hopefully someone can explain more.


Well-Known Member
Molasses is basically refined sugar , you can get it from tesco, sainsbury's etc for about 2quid, not sure on how to administer it to the lovely ladies but hopefully someone can explain more.
you find molasses at the grocery, usually by the pancakes & other syrups... you actually would want blackstrap molasses for growing mj, the bottle will clearly state what type it is...
to administer - pour 1 Tbsp. into a gallon of water and mix until dissolved, check the PH and pour as normal
some say to use more, but 1Tbsp is good to start, because any more drops PH too low...

here's a long winded explanation of molasses


Active Member
Great stuff and too easy! I was thinking about going to my local hydro shop to buy commercial ph. down and it's $30! Once again I can't thankyou all enough for your advice.