Please help....with pics!


Active Member
Ok you see the picture...

Here is the situation.

30 days, Lowryder Auto #1, 600w HPS, temp range min=75f max=85f, humid=not sure, but about average, Lights=18/6,Soil is good quality Tui Tomato Mix with Castings and Perlite.

Just gave them some epsom salts 1 week ago to correct yellowing, although the yellowing was not consistent with this yellowing, worked like a charm but now this is back, should i keep giving epsom or do i have a iron deficiency.

Yellowing is only on new growth. Plant is female. I have 2 others that are showing similar syptoms but not as visible as this one, and my camera is bad so i snapped pix of this girl.



Active Member
in reading the part about iron (fe) deficiencies it says.... "apply liquid chelated".... what does this mean?