Please Help.... Yellow Nightmare


Active Member
Please help, my plant is about 5ft now, it gets water every few days when it is dry just about. The problem is that all of a sudden the old and new leaves are are getting brown spots on then turning yellow and falling off. I dont use any feed or nutrients as the soild i am using has food and nutrients in for 3-4 months.
The plant has white pistols on and is just growing in my window at home.
I dont know what is going wrong.
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
holy shit. how did you manage to grow such a beautifull plant with no nutes and by the window. What is that stuf you growing it in? I want it. And how do you know that the plant just hasn't used up all food because of it's size?


Well-Known Member
give it NUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats whats wrong...... and you shouldn't be using soil that has nutes like that. I can't believe the plant looks that good.........

are you flowering it yet? cause that fucker is gunna be over 10 feet tall if if hasn't started flowering yet.....


Active Member
Miracle Grow soil i am using.
Please tell me the nutrients that i need to get or is there one i can get that does everything.
Where do i get them from ie focus b&q?

thanks for your help