Please help!!!


Well-Known Member
About 7-14 days old since sprout. Using 220w t5, 6.0ph feed, coco/perlite mix. Pretty sure I overwatered about 4 days ago.



they look overwatered and possibly nutrient deficient. Only coco and perlite? There is no food for the plant in that.

I am speaking from inexperience though, 6 days into my first grow, just alot of research.


Well-Known Member
About 7-14 days old since sprout. Using 220w t5, 6.0ph feed, coco/perlite mix. Pretty sure I overwatered about 4 days ago.
They do look over watered. Is your mix hot? If seedlings have too much nutrients they will look like that.


Well-Known Member
Only used a light a amount of cal mag
they are stressed and they have sick roots. most of them will not make it probably. If you have more seeds, it’s easier to crack them now rather than trying to save these babies. Overwatering is not an acute problem, it’s a chronic one. You have to dial that in.