Please help

Btw, I had it under an LED light. I will set in the window w/o water. Try out the AF Burkle seed. Tyvm again, I appreciate everyone's input.
Honestly TY for listening and hanging in there. You will be okay and will be aided.

First offer of help. No direct sun to start. A fluorescent bulb or a western facing window if you insist. Peace and best wishes.
How do I find the thumbs up button? Lol
You need to be a member for 48 hours and get likes from 3 different people.

And as far as that seeding goes. Water that dry ass soil. It's probably too late, but I can't fully see how bad it is. It might still have a chance.

Did you put that in dry FFOF and just barely water around the seed only and not the rest of the soil ever?
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I believe it requires a certain amount of interaction to open. Or the like and reply tabs on the post.

And autos are not what you think. LOL. Current is 2nd transplant. 2 to go. Will be topping and only fed water from germ as of now. LOl. And cheap 40W lights. K.I.S.S. is best. And learn as you go. 003.jpg
Hi everyone! An update on my seedling. I didn't water it and no LED light on. It's in my window with blinds shut. I gently lifted the shell.


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