Please help


Active Member
ok so far I have successfully grown about 4 girls. BUT each time there's only about 14G's on each plant... I am just curious as to why im getting fluro yields with a 250W hps.

I am not sure if its the nutes im using or what but I really want to get the best out of the 250W'er that I have.

I have a space of 28"x16"x60" where the girls flower. The nutes that have been used are Iguana Juice grow and bloom. grow for veg(3-1-3) and bloom for flower(4-3-6).
they are all in soil.

when I move them into flower I start them off at 1/2 strenght of bottle then I go up to half and then I stay at full for the rest of the grow
and by the way I feed them once a week and everyother day I use water.

I have noticed EVERYTIME that I flower it goes all fine untill about 2 weeks in where most of the fan leaves turn yellow then they slowly get dry and brown at which point they fall off.

this really aggravates me because I dont know what it is and it happens EVERYTIME plants have been flowered.

around day 54 I stop using nutes and only use water for about a week or so before chop...

any Ideas as to why it is this way?
I dont think It has anything to do with the veg stage because they are perfectly green and fine in veg but as soon as they get moved into flower I see problems...


Well-Known Member
I think you are undernuting.. I use the prescribed doses and water every watering with nutes.. just keep the PPM gradually increasing and playing it JUST a tad on the safe side. Also how close is this light to your plants usually? How long are you keeping the plants in veg for before turning to 12/12? Also most importantly how long did you wait until harvesting these plants?


Active Member
well they usually veg untill they are about 2' tall or so while being no further than 2'' away from the 200W cfl.
now when they are moved to hps they are about 10'' or so away from light.
the way I know the girls are ready is with a microscpe. I check trichomes.
now when u say you water everywater with nutes you mean anytime you water your plants you add nutes?
I think that might be a tad much.
also how exactly should the ppm look? because usually from seed or a little after when I think plants are ready I start them off low and move on up to full strength. am I suppose to go down before moving them into flower? or leave them at say 280ppm feed them one last time at half strength and start bloom nutes?

I never quite understood the whole nuting thing.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
when I move them into flower I start them off at 1/2 strenght of bottle then I go up to half and then I stay at full for the rest of the grow and by the way I feed them once a week and everyother day I use water.
around day 54 I stop using nutes and only use water for about a week or so before chop...
there's no reason to start your flower nutes at a reduced rate. feed them at the same strength as veg nutes. with a 250 watt light, you don't want 2' plants. the light won't penetrate very far into the canopy at all. with a small grow area and a 250 watt light, i'd do a scrog. you'll yield much better.


Active Member
yea I really wanted to scrog or something of that nature but from all the reading I did I still dont think I would be able to get it to work lol.

and I was told to use half strng when the plants first move into flowering stage, because this would lower the chances of stress..... was I mis-informed?

also. you guys think I need better nutes??