Please help!!

I started out germing 8 bag seeds and then starting them in solo cups with miracle grow soil. I know stupid decision on miracle grow but it was prior to me finding this site. They did so well then at 14 days they started turning yellow with brown edges outer of leafs. I decided to transplant to rubber maid tubs. (4 each tub). I tried to punch holes in bottom of tubs for drainage and ended up putting 4-5 inch cracks in bottom so after i transplanted and watered the water seemed to drain out fast as i had rubbermaid lid for tray underneath that filled with water. If I were to put holes in bottom how many and is it poss that water is draining out to quickly? They are not doing so well as 2 of them that were the strongest started getting nice and green again but for 2 weeks growth they are only 4 inches tall. should I start over or are they savable? Sorry I know thats prob not a word but Im going crazy as they were doing so well. Im using CFL's and transplanted to soil not miracle grow. I could see how the roots were growing so much in solo cups that they circled the bottom of cup and looked as if they should have been transplanted sooner. What should I do? for future ref how many hole should i drill in bottom of rubbermaid for proper drainage?


Active Member
I say let em keep growing! Definitely keep Miracle Grow out of your garden. That shit is bad. I would recommend using homemade compost. It's all I use and it works out great!!! Hope I helped a little!


Well-Known Member
if your have no soil then your plants will be fine rite upto about 4-6 weeks then feed them with liquid ferts every 2nd watering, as long as the soil aint falling out of your pots then your water can drain as fast as it wants but if your to big then your pots can dry up alot faster, if u need any help just PM me


Well-Known Member
it has alot more to do with the soil density and composition than the containers drainage holes, the fact it had water come out of the bottom was just a sign of heavy watering, your soil had already reached the limit of how much water it could/can hold and the excess drained out.


Active Member
sounds like there just stunted from nutes i would say give them regular ph'd water till you see some healthy growth and then ween them on the nutes again

+rep if i helped...
How do I deal with that much drainage as I am using rubbermaid full of soil. That was my first watering after I had just transplanted so its ot like I had just watered it you know? How do I deal with the excess water? I guess I should have thought about that. Right now Im using the lid underneath but it looks like the soil up top might be drying a bit however the lid is full of water. Any tips or advice would be great. Oh and hey closetgrowr what does PM mean? How do I use PM?
sounds like there just stunted from nutes i would say give them regular ph'd water till you see some healthy growth and then ween them on the nutes again

+rep if i helped...
I got it under control finally. It was just the top surface of soil that was dry. The new soil and transplant really helped. They are starting to grow little green leafs again and the yellow ones look as if they will dry up and fall off. Hopefully now they will grow larger. Thank you for your input. I just found one seed in bag of white rhino yesterday so I germed and it just cracked. Cant wait! I am going to buy seperate pot for this one. I hope its female when I get to that point as its only seed I have. Any thoughts?
how long does it take till your pots dryed up ? id just go out and buy a garden pot.