Please Help!


Active Member
My girls have some kind of wierd slime covering their roots. On some plants the slime is greenish brown and others its white. Its clinging to and covering the roots in their entirety. I have them in 5 gal buckets and I noticed this when i went to change the water.
The roots are pretty small for the size of the plants, its like they just stopped growing. Also, the lower fan leaves are drooping a bit. I rinsed the roots off in the sink best I could, hopefully that will help.
Can anyone tell me what this is, and more importantly what to do about it? I really appreciate any help I can get on this.


Well-Known Member
Slime mold..

I imagine this is one of the reasons people use hydrogen peroxide in hydro systems, but I'm not a hydro guy, so maybe someone else can tell you more clearly what to do about it.


Active Member
Your post was helpful, thanks! You at least gave me something to research and it looks like H202 may be the answer. How much to use remains a question though since I've seen recommendations for 2.5ml/gallon to 2-3 tsp/gallon. Big difference to be resolved but still at least its a start.


Well-Known Member
Well, one thing I can tell you -- H2O2 dissolves organic material in proportion to how much you add and how much there is to dissolve. If your roots are truly covered in slime, that argues for a higher rate over a lower one. Again, hopefully someone with experience will jump in.

You could re-try with a new thread titled "Slime mold in hydro -- how much H2O2 should I add?" or some such. "Please help" leaves a lot of open territory. Good luck!