please help

hello so i have recently been noticing these spots and light coloration on my fan leaves. Also i have noticed that the tips of some fan leaves towards the top of my plant are burnt. This plant is almost 3 weeks into flowering, i just lowered my fan down a few inches so the breeze is closer to the top of the plant to cool the light down. I have run out of room to raise the height of my light and the plant is getting closer to it, its probably about 14 inches away from the light but it still has about 8 weeks left of growing i would say. Also i just purchased my own nutrients for the first time, miracle grow tomato food, 18-18-21. A tester showed i did not have enough nutrients in the dirt, i have been using miracle moisture control potting mix, so over hte last three days i have added roughly three tablespoons worth of food and watered it once for the last three days. what am i doing wrong? please help. thank you here are pictures.....


another thing is that my fan leaves on the bottom of the plant keep dying off one by one, i loose one to two a week now. I figured giving it an abundance of this food would help but i have seen no changes over the last three days, as of now the most bottom two fan leaves are basically all yellow and drying up. Besides that the rest of the entire plant is an extremely dark green color, which i feel isnt good either.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a def caused by a ph problem

Why am I saying ph? because of the yellowish vien in pic 1

the def looks like P and Mag

your bottom leaves are dying because the plant is eatin em to stay alive cause it can't get the nutes it needs


Well-Known Member
ive been feeding the plant and its got an abundance of nutrients in the food, i dont get it
You could pour a whole bottle in there if the ph is not right the plant can't get em

So need more info,,,,,,,,,,,

soil used? what additives? (perlite, dolomite? etc)
water used ?
and how often?
ph of soil?
ph of water?
Lights used? wattage etc?

without all the needed info every one would just be guessin :bigjoint:

plus if you can get pics of the whole plant and garden area
ok here is some more info, riddleme you helped me in my two other posts that i created a few weeks ago, noone replied to em so i started this one. the plant is in miracle grow moisture control potting mix with perilite added, i have a 150 watt hps light, i use tap water that i let sit out and water the plant about every 2 days with one 20oz bottle of water. the last 3 days i have watered everyday tho cause i have been addin nutes to see if it would help. the ph reader that i just bought seems to not work in my eyes, it said the ph of the dirt is 7 and that fertility was very low. now everyday i tested after watering and feeding continuously, the ph or fertility never changed, so im not exactly sure what the correct measures are. also i have a thermometer and that might be broken now as well but i beleive the temp is anywhere from 83-85 inside the room but i have a fan blowing right below the light to cool things down. i also do not know the humidity of the room. the plant is roughly 2 ft high and 2.5 weeks into flowering. here are more pics....



Well-Known Member
This one is gonna be a bit harder to save

first thing to do is stop watering, let it go until the leaves and stems droop

Let me tell you why so you can learn to read the plant (why I wanted to see the whole plant) Your plant is overwatered, your roots may be suffering, the signs are the leaves curling under and bottom leaves drooping as well as the top leaves standing up hard (they are trying to transpire the water out and are working hard)

we go down to the center of the plant and the leaves there look like they should relaxed but not drooping or standing up, this tells me the top is getting too much light and the temp is to high, the center is just right the bottom is way off, problem here is the 150 watter can not deliver enough light to the bottom, you need to either up the light or add side lighting

your temps are a little to high, low to mid 70's for flowering with humidity in the low 30's is what you want

hopefully you have a walmart nearby they have temp/humidity meters for as low as $7, they also have ph drops in the fish/aquarium section for $5
YOU NEED EM! The drops work but are a bit off % wise tend to read a tad bit high, your gonna want to check the ph of your tap water before it sets out, after it sets out and after you add ANYTHING to it your target ph with MGMC is gonna be in the 6.7 to 6.9 range (with the drops adjust to 6.5, which will be closer to 6.8 in reality)

the overwatering problem is do to the way you are watering and the moisture control soil (which retains water) You are gonna have to water only when they start to droop to compensate for the moisture control and when you water you want plenty of run off, not a measured amount

So first stop watering
get temp and humidity adjusted
then once you see the leaves AND STEMS droop flush the plant with at least 3 to 4 gallons of water (we're washing out the nutes you added)
then wait till the leaves droop NOT THE STEMS and do it again (flush)

Then take pics post a thread and PM me with a link


Well-Known Member
three to four gallons of water!?!?
a true flush is 3 times the pot size, so as example a 2 gallon pot would require 6 gallons of water a 3 gallon pot would want 9 gallons of water

you need to let it dry out, get some oxygen to the roots and then flush out the nutes you added and start over with a more knowledgable regimen

I would also invite you read my NooB Advice thread :bigjoint:
also how do i adjust the humidity? i thought adding that much water would flood and destroy the plant? sorry for all the questions. the plant looks real relaxed throughout its just the fan leaves that seem destressed. all the bud sites seem pretty good to me. how long do u think it will take to completely dry out? the room that the plant is in is only 42in wide 24in depth and 45in in height i dont see how there isnt enough light for this one plant


Well-Known Member
also how do i adjust the humidity? i thought adding that much water would flood and destroy the plant? sorry for all the questions. the plant looks real relaxed throughout its just the fan leaves that seem destressed. all the bud sites seem pretty good to me. how long do u think it will take to completely dry out? the room that the plant is in is only 42in wide 24in depth and 45in in height i dont see how there isnt enough light for this one plant
The fan leaves are the worker bees for the plant, if they are not happy the plant is not happy!

and I explained why I said what I said, I have helped save a lot of plants here cause I enjoy doin it, you can either choose to do the things I said or you can wait to see what others say???

If you take the time to read the NooB Advice thread it will help you understand everything I have told you

Choice is yours, Good Luck
no no i will of course listen, i very much appreciate everything you have ever said, you have helped me greatly. i just dont understand the concept of "over watering a plant" and then being told to pour 3-4 gallons of water in it at once, haha. i know there is logic to the maddness and im here to learn all about it so thank you.


Well-Known Member
no no i will of course listen, i very much appreciate everything you have ever said, you have helped me greatly. i just dont understand the concept of "over watering a plant" and then being told to pour 3-4 gallons of water in it at once, haha. i know there is logic to the maddness and im here to learn all about it so thank you.
Overwatering happens from watering to frequently and is compounded by moisture control soils

The flush indoors is what happens naturally outdoors when it rains

the proper time between watering/flushing is what matters

hope that clears it up a bit for ya :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No you don't have to flush outside, I do mine in the sink and sometimes the shower

Takes about 20 minutes if the soil is not compacted (has good drainage)
its not bad to remove the plant from the light for that long? and once im done flushing this plant out what will happen, what is the next step?
ok so i finally got a thermometer and my numbers are way off. its 82 degrees at the top of the plant and the humidity is only 20% i opened the window in my room to lower the temp and i have also added 4 containers of ice cold water to the room to try and raise the humidity and lower the temp as well. the leaves and stems are all drooping on the plant, i think it is about time to flush it?