Please Help


hi , my first post and new to growing, would be grateful for any help or advice... on 1 of my girls some of the leafs look as tho they are fading and edges are starting to turn yellow. they are in week 4 of veg under a 600watt light, 10 or 12 Lt pots not sure, potted with miricle grow, being fed every 2-3 days taking a litre using bio-grow, the temp is on average about 82*, i have them in my cupboard so not much room but they are not squashed in and only a small fan ........PLEASE HELP



Well-Known Member
If it is magnesium deficiency then epsom salts will help. Someone else will need to tell you how much though. Little is better than more though if you're going to experiment....!


Active Member
I'd go with what MajorCoCo said as a magnesium deffiency.. and as for epsom salts.. Dont add anymore the a Tblsp. at a time.. If you could I would Suggest a CalMag supplement.. There almost always carried by hydro stores.. and possibly even a local home & garden center..


New Member
the first thing I would do is check your ph. dont use epsom salt u need calcium to absorb the magnesium go with calmag plus from botanicare


Active Member
in soil we need 6.5 for proper uptake of nutes (according to the chart i have) so 6.8 is a bit on the high side.. imo because your using M G that is whats burning yer plant , go easier on the nutes (just ph'd water) for a few days and i reckon it will get better...good luck palbongsmilie


New Member
6.3 to 6.8 is fine just ph the water not the soil and I use MG all the time with great results dont fall into the fertilizer gimmicks


hey i got a second hand ph reader off a friend he says he doesnt no if it works or not....... should i be doing a reading on the water or the water with the feed already in? . any ways the water read 0.21 ??? and thats no-where near the 6.0 and the 6.5's people been talking about... what do i do?


Well-Known Member
you are cooking them with nutes. stop feeding. you are in MG. no more feeding til flower, and then just bloom ferts.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
hey i got a second hand ph reader off a friend he says he doesnt no if it works or not....... should i be doing a reading on the water or the water with the feed already in? . any ways the water read 0.21 ??? and thats no-where near the 6.0 and the 6.5's people been talking about... what do i do?
any solution with a ph of 0.21 would not be called water. perhaps your tap is putting out concentrated carbolic acid?

more likely thats not a PH meter or its so way out of calibration as to be useless.

take a picture of this thing or type out the data from the UL label on the back.


ph reader .jpg there it is ... im proberbly using it wrong i just assumed you would turn it on and pop it in the water. i cant find a make or model number on it, or i would have just google'd some instructions