please help


IMG_20130424_101443.jpgIMG_20130424_101414.jpgIMG_20130424_101348.jpgIMG_20130424_101252.jpgIMG_20130424_101214.jpgi have about 20 plants under a flouro grow light 20000 lumen just added nutes bone and blood meal my soil drys out real fast watering every day or two temps are high they are in the attic no choice on that the bottom leaves look like they shriviling up idk need any help offered


Well-Known Member
Get some better airflow going, flush with pure water and dont feed nutes for another week, good luck.


Active Member
Get some better airflow going, flush with pure water and dont feed nutes for another week, good luck.
+1, good advice IMO.

i would also get the heat under control, those seedlings appear to be under watered and over heated.

if you can lift the light a few inches.... i know a lot of people make a big deal about distance when growing with fluorescents but as seedlings they are easily stressed. I find stretching a little, far less of problem than overheating.


thanks ill try it i just dont understand they were doing good now they look like shit and i have no answer for whats going on the temp stays around 90 or so and my light is like 8 in away


Well-Known Member
thanks ill try it i just dont understand they were doing good now they look like shit and i have no answer for whats going on the temp stays around 90 or so and my light is like 8 in away
Peat pots dry out very quickly, especially with air blowing on them. If they are on trays, fill the tray with about 1/2" of water and the pots will soak that up, and cool the roots.
Maintain that moisture untll the seedlings are large enough to transplant into a larger container in about a week or so. Bury the whole pot if possible,. and the roots will grow through it. You have to bring your temps down to the max of 85 degrees, or you will have serious problems. It's only going get hotter so you have to figure out how to cool the room down. I never grow in the summer anymore personally for that reason. Good luck with you plants. Peace

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I don't think they are going to make it. They are too small to feed and that bone and blood meal can be tricky. Then they have to overcome high heat too. It doesn't look good to me.


Well-Known Member
Bad nute burn, top feed with hydro nutes not blood and bone, mix blood and bone thru the soil before planting. Flush and don't feed again until (if) they start growing again as recommended by grimace.