Please help


New Member
I planted seeds and I am just curious to when I can tel when they are male or female.. I planted directly outdoors so a lot of people say indoor techniques.. How long afte seeding should I see the sex.. It's been exactly a month and still no sign..


Well-Known Member
Takes a while from seed since you can't even force them to flower until about the 5th or 6th node and it takes a while to even get out of the dicotolyden stage anyways . They will probably show you in a month or less or at about a foot to foot and a half..... if your good at it.


Active Member
It takes awhile, like until July or August outdoors....

You caaaan take a clone however and force-flower said clone..but that's probably an indoor technique and that too takes about a month until there big enough yo clone, a week or two to root it, and another week to get her (or him) showing its private parts haha