Please help!!!!!

dr grinsp00n

New Member
ha yeah'd that's be no fun. If it turns out to be a hermie then just look at your set-up hermie's are made from stressed out females
Yeah they had a little stress the other one is a female for sure but this one is taking longer to show signs. i hope your right and its a female


Well-Known Member
just give it a couple more days to tell for sure,,then post a pic or two.Ive had them go up to 6 weeks before showing sex and still had females from it.
i topped them like 4 times or 5 times..i think its because there grown outdoors they shot up but my female (the little one) did not grow as tall.

dr grinsp00n

New Member
well they should produce some free smoke if nothing else. thats crazy that you topped that many times and its still that straight

dr grinsp00n

New Member
also all that light leak did was maybe make the bud a tad bit less potent but its later on when its bigger that the light matters and that will make your bud be full of seeds
:cry::cry::cry::cry: Well this is what i woke up too.. BALLS!!! I really wanted both to be females:cry: my neighbor who is and old hippie had some cans of seeds. He had 47 Colombian Gold seeds and 34 Acapulco Gold seeds. I germed them all and only got 1 of each to germ. From what i was told is that i was very lucky for any of them to germ because the seeds were like 25 years old. Well today the Acapulco Gold was a male (or at least i think it is) so i pulled it. I was thinking about saving it and letting them 2 make seeds but that was after a few :joint: At least i still have the Colombian Gold and shes all female:hump::hump::hump: I will post pics of her today sometime..Thanks to all who helped me with the sexing of my babies. Here are the pics PLEASE tell me it was a male


Does anyone know why the top side of the stems are purple and the bottom side white?
Does anyone know what the white spots are on the fan leaves?
What can i do about that bug thats chomping my leaves?
Can you tell what kind of strain this plant is?
Did i mess up lollypoping this plant?

Sorry for all the questions , this is my first grow so i am a noob!!
Thanks Everyone



New Member
Oh no! Something is certainly eating your baby! I would recommend to use lady bugs... release them at night right after you water the plant. They will not fly away at night, and judging by the look of things, they will be fat and happy living on your plant! Maybe others could recommend some bug killer that might be faster to save these plants...