Please help.


Well-Known Member
I was going to get a to grow tent from htg supply. Agromax brand. Until I researched and found out that there tents off gas and kill plants so I'm not wasting my money on a bullshit tent. I been reading about tents and not sure if I shud get a tent from gorrila or secret jardin or should I just turn my bedroom into a room? The bedroom dimensions are 12 feet × 10.5 feet × 7.5 feet tall. Using a 1000 watt ballast with MH and HPS. Will my bedroom work for 4-6 plants? Or is it too big? Should I go with a secret jardin or gorrila tent? What size room should i be growing in?


Well-Known Member
1000w can cover a 5x5ft area. I have never heard of a grow tent releasing gas that kills plants though.... literally in over a decade of growing, never heard of a single instance of this.

Tent is easiest, but you could hang some panda film to section off your bedroom.
As said above tent is the easiest not only to separate areas but also if smell is an issue and venting and filter is needed a tent would be easier for that imo


Well-Known Member
I have 3x secret jardine tents, obviously not a cheap tent by any means. all 3 off-gassed for a few days. but imo wont harm plants. just let them air out before moving the girls in. its just like the "new car" smell, but for grow tents. lol