Please is this just paranoia?!!


Lets just say theoretically someone had a small grow going and they just ordered supplies from online. When they received the supplies nutes, ph meter, new tent....the postal worker was a acquintance who didnt like said individual. Also said individual is known to smoke pot by postal worker. Different address than grow, all legal supplies, ordered from htg, packaging said nute and misc...bill of shipping still sealed.... Would said individual be in any danger with all other bases covered?


Well-Known Member
Jusr Paranoia! But my advice is to stay a little paranoid. Ive been growing since 2004, at first I was very paranoid about everything. But once you've been at it for a while you get comfortable. I have a grow tent in a upstairs closet vented through the attic and out the roof vents. There is no noise, no smell, and no one knows what Im doing. Even when I share a little of my grow with friends and family, I have the discipline to not brag that I am the grower. Ive been asked if I grew certain strains and it showed me that I need to be More careful. I have thought about increasing my garden size and selling a few of my wares. But then I have a reality check and remember that the reason I grow is for personal medical reasons. No selling, no telling, and no smelling!


Hi guys I worry that he would snitch and an investigation would start? Is that paranoid? The postal worker doesn't like this individual. But on the other side I think it may be none of his business and he would have to explain how he knew if he snitched. All he would have to do is search htg supply on the net and that's that. When I ask would this individual be in danger I mean is that's enough to start a investigation?


Well-Known Member
Like I said...... nothing should be on the box you receive about the package or its contents. That includes shipper and manufacturer.. if so shoulda went to amazon. Carry tents lights bites everything much safer and usually cheapest


Well-Known Member
I was employed with the Postal Service for 10 years. Believe me when I tell you, most letter carriers are not trying to be nosy or hero's. But your average American just trying to earn a living. it is amazing to me how much credit people give federal workers and cops and firemen. They are all just people doing their jobs!! Period. Now some do possess a little more courage and bravery than others. And some are just stupid! But most are like everyone else! AVERAGE!


Well-Known Member
I don't think your mailman would want to jeopardize his job by supposing you grew, if he even cared. Simply because you got plant food is not enough reason to get a search warrant, and if he reported it to his superiors they probably say stop snooping and just do your job.


Well-Known Member
It's not enough for a warrant of course not.

However if he wants to exaggerate and add words to his report. The law would HAVE to at-least check it out. Just like if a neighbor calls in and says they smell pot from two houses down. They have to investigate, if no probable cause if found they leave. They do not have rights to come inside or see anything at this point. Don't be fooled. '

I like what Jim said, stay paranoid, even if your grow is legal. Helps keep you in control.

On a side note, I would recommend buying all your "gear" locally with cash if your concerned. Online is just creating a paper trail even if its "discrete shipping".


Well-Known Member
tell the mail man to suck a dick, your not breaking any laws. every body should watch my nabor carry plants in the house in broad day light. he will carry 70 of them into the house all veged some where else , like he says . not breaking any laws so the other nabors can kiss his dick.