PLEASE let the snow stop!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, About a two weeks ago, the weather was warming up. getting to be 60-70 degrees out. so we germed about 9 plants and had been letting them sit outside all day.
a few mornings ago it had been rainy and very chilly (40-45), about two in the afternoon, the ground was thick with snow. needless to say we wouldn't be putting the plants outside that day. so we sought a temporary solution, we got them sitting on the stove with a 26 and 27 watt blue spectrum cfls.
we dont expect the snow to hold out but we also dont know how long the can be like this.
how bad is this for the plants? we posted some pics in my grow journal...

check it out and tell us what you think.


Well-Known Member
Man those are so young they won't be affected.

You want to wait til they are a couple inches tall anyway to transplant.


Well-Known Member
oh my god!! it was nice for a week so i planted some seedlings outside and then it snowed!! they all fuckin died. i have some in pots that are ready to go in the backyard that need to go now!! damn you mother nature!!