Please, Please, Please Help Me!

I don't know what's wrong!

They aren't green.

I have them in a propagation tray with grodan cubes. Was I supposed to put water in the propagation tray or not?

Here are photos so PLEASE help me! Can I even save them?=(

You can see the stem in the first picture on the right side of the picture.

In the second picture, you can clearly see the stem. The stem used to be green and just the two leaves were brown.

In the third picture, you can see the stem and it is off color.



the real G

wot light r u using and it also looks like the cubes are too wet if they dripping water they defo are mate i just popped some seeds for first time in rockwool cubes and was told too make sure the cube is not soaked but u also gotta make sure it dont dry out out the ten i done 7 made it and are now been in a system foe 3 days! hope this helps mate!!! G
Thanks for the help G!

I am using a 400W MH lamp but it is well above the plants, like two feet above.

I received really mixed notes on water in the propagation tray.

Do you think they will be able to recover?

lisa L

They damped off, I think they are a goner if they have been that color for any length of time. (If it's only been a day or so since they cracked, they still may be okay.)
I'd suggest putting the rockwool on a little pedastal (dixie cup base with holes punche in it, works great) so that any excess water can drain from the rockwool. Water the rockwool twice daily and shake out any excess water. (My area is quite dry so my rockwool is pretty lite by the end of the day.) I guage things by how much the rockwool weighs. Don't rewater with nutrients, whatever you do! As the cubes dry they will store up salts, and even hardness from hard water can muck things up after a few dry/wet cycles.

obviously, make sure you are pHing rockwool prior and watering with pH'd water. I'd water with RO or distilled water while they are young. Two feet might still be a bit intense for them, I always prefer fluorescents (shop lights work fantastic) for germing, but that is my opinion, take it or leave it.--You're wasting money unless you're vegging something else at the same time.


are you using a heat mat or a humidity dome? this will help a lot and they cubes should not be saturated like g said


Well-Known Member
^Agreed, with the overwatering theory. Take a towel or something, and soak some of the water out of those cubes, by gently making contact with them. The water will be drawn out, quite easily, and no need for any real pressure. As mentioned, it might be too late, though. Best of luck to ya..... :)