please read and answer....first time grower whats better vercimulite or perlite


First time growing and wanted to know whats better for indoor growing vercimulite or perlite or neither.if i grew a white widow max seed inside if i used normal cut and seed compost would my plant come out nicely.

Please post all your comments/suggestions

Thanks for looking


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

I've grown in 100% perlite and it was absolutely amazing and very productive. The grow is in my sig.


Well-Known Member
they both serve a different purpose
to improve drainage and aeration of the roots perlite is better
to improve water retention vermiculite is better.
a mix of the two makes a good seed starting mix.
theres a method known as a hempy bucket, its a bucket filled with a perlite/vermiculite mix or just straight perlite, its a basic hydro setup that you water by hand but it can give great results.