please read this im dumb and need help...


Active Member
ok my outdoor grow is all fucked it got eaten and stolen and im down to 1 plant. i have a 70 watt hps light bulb. just the bulb. so what im asking is what do i need to get it from a useless light bulb to a grow light and where do i get the stuff for it?


Active Member
You could look around at your local craigslist if your in a major city you can usually find pretty nice deals on there. I suggest going out any getting a few CFLs (with the blue spectrum, 6500 wavelength) if your down to your last plant and want to spend time looking around for the other components for your light. That should do the trick until you find the other part your looking for.


Active Member
Check this setup out... It's a 150 watt hps kit for only 70 dollars. That is the smallest wattage you will most likely find on any grow related site. To grow properly with an HID you will need at least three items for the lighting setup.

Reflector ( to make the lighting more efficient)
Ballast ( used to power the setup, can be either internal or external buy try to go with external since you can store it out of your grow space to cut down on heat. Speaking of spaces, what size area are you looking at putting up?

High Tech Garden Supply


Well-Known Member
need more info?? grow room size?,venting options,etc, can make a bat wing reflector out of sheet metal,are even cardboard painted flat white.are you gonna clone that plant??no sense just growing 1 plant IMO,LIKE HE SAID the 23 watt cfls daylight work great for the dollar.i usem for cloning and my mother plants.
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Active Member
i just wanna grow a little bud to save myself some dough. any harvest would be great. im just looking to grow it in a regular sized closet like 2 or 3 plants at a time.