Please save me


Well-Known Member
what abt promix.. whats a good type from them I see them in wal mart here w the mg stuff.. i mean does anything compare to this ffof i hear is soo great.. I only got 2 plants .. 2 seeds I found in an ounce of some haze I had lol
What is your plan is after you start it nute wise. Sohum is probably the best plant and leave style "living" soil I've ever tried but it's pricey.

If you're planning on adding nutrients throughout then you can go with a different/cheaper mix.

My current run is FF but that's not enough by itself so I add Earthworm Castings, Bat Guano, Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal, Dolomite Lime.... and I foliar feed during veg and top dress with terp tea during flowering (1/2 recommended strength).



Well-Known Member

It really is a plant it and leave it style soil. You can get away with plain water and no amendments (but I still recommend foliar feeding).


Well-Known Member
also darkweb are you from NJ? I ask because .. well 77 hydros a bit out of way but my girls mom is going to costco in rockaway tmrw... was wondering if any store there sells ffof.. literally everywhere is just MG
You have plenty of garden stores around bud. You'll be able to figure out something. I don't think you will be disappointed if you took the least you'll have a better idea of what you want the next time.


Well-Known Member
One my friend, quit worrying and take a breath. Then go buy a bag of FF Happy Frog and a bag of Ocean Forest. (I know they aren't necessarily near you but I have driven way further in search of a part of a plan before. 30 miles in gas if you can drive, if you can't I apologize) -(wow that was a long parenthetical phrase) is not much time or money. They are easy and you can just water them, with the time you have left.

Then move them to a bigger pot or fabric pot (preferably) with the happy frog. Maybe a three gallon. Then have a ten (or larger) gallon (preferably fabric) ready for the Ocean Forest mix (get the bigger bag).
If you have the fabric pots you can literally put the three gallon bag into the ten (or larger) gallon bag. The roots will grow through the sides of the smaller fabric pot without a problem. You will be fine. At that point you can just add water. You could even add some FF big bloom (its organic) too with no ill effects.
But above all things get them out of those metal buckets and into a better pot of some (still recommending fabric) sort. And you and your plants will be fine. Good luck with what ever you decide friend!
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Well-Known Member
One my friend, quit worrying and take a breath. Then go buy a bag of FF Happy Frog and a bag of Ocean Forest. (I know they aren't necessarily near you but I have driven way further in search of a part of a plan before. 30 miles in gas if you can drive, if you can't I apologize) -(wow that was a long parenthetical phrase) is not much time or money. They are easy and you can just water them, with the time you have left.

Then move them to a bigger pot or fabric pot (preferably) with the happy frog. Maybe a three gallon. Then have a ten (or larger) gallon (preferably fabric) ready for the Ocean Forest mix (get the bigger bag).
If you have the fabric pots you can literally put the three gallon bag into the ten (or larger) gallon bag. The roots will grow through the sides of the smaller fabric pot without a problem. You will be fine. At that point you can just add water. You could even add some FF big bloom (its organic) too with no ill effects.
But above all things get them out of those metal buckets and into a better pot of some (still recommending fabric) sort. And you and your will be fine. Good luck with what ever you decide friend!
I like the fabric pots but I think air pots are easier to deal with/last longer.... same concept though.


Well-Known Member
I like the fabric pots but I think air pots are easier to deal with/last longer.... same concept though.
I've done it that way before, actually doing it with one at home right now.
It is easier sometimes than trying to roll the fabric pot off of the rootball) and way cheaper than cutting the fabric pot off.
When the plants are done you just shake the old soil back into your compost/ soil pile and reuse the fabric pots.
I have done it more than once and the bags are still fine. Just hose them off and then wash them in the machine. :bigjoint:


Active Member
I've done it that way before, actually doing it with one at home right now.
It is easier sometimes than trying to roll the fabric pot off of the rootball) and way cheaper than cutting the fabric pot off.
When the plants are done you just shake the old soil back into your compost/ soil pile and reuse the fabric pots.
I have done it more than once and the bags are still fine. Just hose them off and then wash them in the machine. :bigjoint:
Yeah these metal 1 gals were all we had here during my wifes back surgery .. we share a car since hers broke down.. well it was at hospital.. anyways.. idk how to get these plants out of these metal pots safely.. any ideas guys.. like just use a butterknife around edges and tap it out like a plastic pot?.. like i said shared car and my wife uses it usually.. im laid off .. wife just got home friday from surgery..wish I could have transplanted much sooner.. the roots are actually beginning to show at the holes in bottom.. I worry they may wrap around the puncture hole scraps.. you know how making a hole in metal makes sharp edges.. anyways any ideas to get em out would be nice.. I watered heavily thursday thinking I was going to transplant friday but then wal mart and home depot brought to my attention.. they dont have ffof or pots I wanted.. just online.. my plans to use ffof with perlite mixed in .. I may mix in the rest of the seedling mix I have to cut the nutrients a bit .. and put them in 5gal.. unsure which to get.. im sure eveyone will just point to most expensive of everything possible but ill probably have to actually feel fabric and look in person.. these are 3 I was looking at



Well-Known Member
Yeah these metal 1 gals were all we had here during my wifes back surgery .. we share a car since hers broke down.. well it was at hospital.. anyways.. idk how to get these plants out of these metal pots safely.. any ideas guys.. like just use a butterknife around edges and tap it out like a plastic pot?.. like i said shared car and my wife uses it usually.. im laid off .. wife just got home friday from surgery..wish I could have transplanted much sooner.. the roots are actually beginning to show at the holes in bottom.. I worry they may wrap around the puncture hole scraps.. you know how making a hole in metal makes sharp edges.. anyways any ideas to get em out would be nice.. I watered heavily thursday thinking I was going to transplant friday but then wal mart and home depot brought to my attention.. they dont have ffof or pots I wanted.. just online.. my plans to use ffof with perlite mixed in .. I may mix in the rest of the seedling mix I have to cut the nutrients a bit .. and put them in 5gal.. unsure which to get.. im sure eveyone will just point to most expensive of everything possible but ill probably have to actually feel fabric and look in person.. these are 3 I was looking at
Ah those plants should come out fine


Well-Known Member
Yeah these metal 1 gals were all we had here during my wifes back surgery .. we share a car since hers broke down.. well it was at hospital.. anyways.. idk how to get these plants out of these metal pots safely.. any ideas guys.. like just use a butterknife around edges and tap it out like a plastic pot?.. like i said shared car and my wife uses it usually.. im laid off .. wife just got home friday from surgery..wish I could have transplanted much sooner.. the roots are actually beginning to show at the holes in bottom.. I worry they may wrap around the puncture hole scraps.. you know how making a hole in metal makes sharp edges.. anyways any ideas to get em out would be nice.. I watered heavily thursday thinking I was going to transplant friday but then wal mart and home depot brought to my attention.. they dont have ffof or pots I wanted.. just online.. my plans to use ffof with perlite mixed in .. I may mix in the rest of the seedling mix I have to cut the nutrients a bit .. and put them in 5gal.. unsure which to get.. im sure eveyone will just point to most expensive of everything possible but ill probably have to actually feel fabric and look in person.. these are 3 I was looking at
I'm not sorry for saying this, I'm going to be blunt.

When you speak, break apart sentences like you have learned in school.

Reading a wall of text is a nightmare. Nobody reasonable will read the whole thing, and guaranteed that lesser-educated readers will read even less before they come to an opinion.

When writing, focus on the reader. Imagine you being the person that's reading the wall of text. Read it. Read it again. Then realize how awful it is.

Read what you post, before you post it. Don't hit submit until you're comfortable with what you've said. When you can say "I comprehend what this person is saying", you're good.


Well-Known Member
Well no matter what you (the OP) choose soil wise, I wish you luck. There are numerous articles and posts that you can read about growing throughout this site and many others. If you take the time to read and digest the information before putting it into practice you will be fine.

From your earlier posts it seems like you are going through a stressful period of time. Much like the rest of the world. And perhaps Spek9 could've been a little less blunt in the beginning of his post. But what he finished with is spot on. It just makes it easier to help people. That's all we are trying to do for you.

Please refrain from calling people names and referring to the group of people you have asked for information, in such a negative manner. Many of us do have jobs and families. For others, this is their job. And we still have taken the time and effort to compile the knowledge you are seeking.

And throughout most of our lives that knowledge (that you are seeking) was gathered under great personal and legal risk. In some places there is still a huge amount of personal and legal risk involved in cultivating cannabis. Risks that we have all taken so that we can help you now.

So again, good luck and please refrain from the name calling, threatening phrases and foul language. I hope you get what you need and those plants turn out as good as they can under your care. In the meantime, maybe go purchase some more grass, fire it up and reflect on how the words we all choose effect the others around us. I hope your wife is doing better and that you can get your other car fixed soon.
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