Please....someone help My Beh-beh!!!


Hey guys, Sniggers here....1st time poster, 3rd time grower. So after a little hiatus from the grow scene, I decided to get back into the swing of things. My problem are these little guys.

Stats: Germinated paper towel method, Fox Farm Ocean Forest medium, tap-water @ PH of 6.0. Watered 40 mL every other day or so (when the containers are light). 18/6 lighting under 4 100W CFL's, 65K range (sometimes I bring them outside and let them sit in the shade....but it's been in the 100's lately) Have been growing for about 2 weeks...they were doing fine, big green leaves...then one day noticed a slight curling in the leaves, and now this.

What I've done: Since noticing the problem I've given them 10 mL of half strength nutrient (Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom) just in case it was a nutrition thing (I've only done this once). The tap water around here is alkali (higher Calcium). I've tried to set them outside for an hour or two in the shade to try and dry the soil out a bit.

What I'm thinking: Possibly, I've over-watered them, possibly heat and/or light stress....? I've turned off one of the CFL's in the grow box to reduce light stress.

What do I do here guys? I'd hate to lose these, as these are my only seedlings.


might be overwatered or underwatered or your lights may be too close wut type of light do you have
Hi, thanks for the response! At the moment I am running (3) 100W equivalent CFL's. The seedlings are about 2 inches from the bulbs and I have a 4" CPU fan as an exhaust. Ambient temp is in the mid 80's.

Anyone think these girls will bounce back? Or should I start planning on ordering seeds...?


lights are perfect but do you use nurtients
I've only watered once with nutrients (1/2 strength solution of FF Grow Big and Big Bloom). I'm thinking heat stress or over watering. My question is: What should I do about it...any chance these will come back to life, (even to just get some clones, I know the growth will be stunted) or do I abort, call it a day, sign off, log out, throw the muddied corpses at the feet of a cop?


Active Member
You need to get some type of humi-dome over them. That will keep humidity high and protect them from harsh light. I would also give water and check the PH of the water that drains out. Also check the PH of your soil to make sure both are within optimal range. I would also only give water untill larger. They have enough nutes in the soil for now. zgl hope it helps. PM mme if you need any help.
If you over watered they would be drooping heavily.


Active Member
Lay off the nutes, I had my share out of nuting my babies, just give them drinking water. The soil looks a bit dry though, get a moisture meter and check their needs. Each girl is an individual, treat them as they like. Checking the ph would be a good idea, I don't trust tap water so I give them botteled drinking water. Ph 6.0 is a little too acidic for soil, as I have read everywhere, might wanna raise it a bit to 6.5.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the problem is, but how much soil is under those things? Right now the roots will be as tall underground as the plant is above. That, and how dense is the soil? Maybe a transplant once they seem to be doing better. THAT, and everything else people have said so far COULD be a factor. I would pop em out, put em in a medium pot with prepared soil, give em a good, clean watering, and keep the temps constant until they improve.


Thanks for all the replies guys!! The containers are Starbucks Venti clear cups (they said they were going Green, right?) and there is sufficient soil; I haven't seen any roots growing near the bottom. I watered just now with 20 mL and placed a humidity tent over them. Hopefully they will get better. It is **very** dry out here and I totally forgot to take into account the humidity requirements for new seedlings.


Active Member
Also your roots need darkness and those cups are clear. You need to make sure the soil has drainage holes in the bottom of the cups too. Planter pots are very cheap. You can even get nice bright white ones with dark black inside for .69 cents.


Also your roots need darkness
Ahhh, I did not know that!! Figures...soil is dark, and cold, and damp...much like my ex's heart. Thanks, I'll wrap up the cups in foil or something until they are healthy enough to transplant. I also made sure to drill drainage holes in the bottoms.


Well-Known Member
yo what up man! fill ur cups up with more soil, it will grow roots from the stem after a few weeks (2to3) old are they? yeah dont feed them anything tell after there 3 weeks old.. but they look fine to me, the soil looks a bit dry maybe a lil heat stress too but they look like theyll bounce back...