When you get close you’ll notice they will usually slow up on water and the pistils will turn colors and shrivel back into calyx. Then you start watching Trichromes ( where most THC comes from) they look like clear to cloudy to amber button cap mushrooms. I let mine go until most all are cloudy with more amber than clear. Always check at top bud and middle buds to get a average. Chop, hang in cool humid place 65/60 for 4-7 days then trim for jars and slowly cure it down over two weeks by opening jars until putter sugar leafs start to dry. I use cheap RU gauges from amazon. Not dead accurate but you only need to be within 5%. When you jar leave meter in overnight, open daily for an hour if your 65-70+, do not let it get below 60. When you get within a few % you will just need to burp the jars for a little until it stays at 60%. If you like harder buds you can bump down to 56. But at 60 it keeps curing and will store for a year. All smells/tastes will come out aNd you’ll have some top shelf smoke.