Please take a look at these pics. Something is wrong


Well-Known Member
Here they are. These are all pics off the one plant except DELETE004 which is my jamcan that's affected. The other one is a G13, all other plants are fine except they are starting to yellow in the leaves but I will be flushing in 14 hours (have to let it sit 24 hours to let the chroline go away) all the plants that are just starting to brown on the tips, pretty sure I can save them. But I dunno about these 2. Time to thrown in the towel and crop off now with clear triclomes?



Well-Known Member
LOL sry but i have to laugh. It really does suck though because youve waited and took time for these to bud, now there on the edge. The buds should still be fine though. Flush them and dont add anymore nuts. Leave the dying leaves on and let them fall off by themselves. Just one ? why would you have a good grow, then have a second grow and add double the nuts? Was this and exsperiment?


Well-Known Member
I was using shultz nutrients before this, and I doubled them and had a great turn out without any of these problems. This is the first time on liquid stuff, I figured it would work the same.

Its not too bad, I got 9 plants. 2 are burnt bad and 4 are just starting to burn now. 4 are perfect with 0 brown leaves.

Should I flush them now or wait for the chlorine to evaporate?


Well-Known Member
since these plants are so late into flowering it would not be unusual for the leaves to be dying off as the plant uses the stored energy in them to help produce bud.
if all you are doing is watering .. which you should do. to flush the plants the last week or 2 before harvest. then i wouldnt worry about the yellowing leaves. there could be other issues but as long as the buds arent turning nasty colors or doing anything funky the yellowing sounds like normal process to me

yikes the pics wernt up when i posted this ... start flushing ... definatly no more nutes and pray ....... those dont look so good ... best of luck


Well-Known Member
Yea dude youll be good. You should post your harvest when their done. Im instrested in seeing how they turn out.


Well-Known Member
man that is a crying shame to see that this late in flowering ... looks like somone got anxious and over fertilized hoping for tonnage from the plants ... better luck next time those look ruined to me .. they may not recover in the little time you have left


Well-Known Member
Ya I'll flush em right away then. The buds are big and look perfectly fine, that's why I was wondering about cropping early but I guess I'll flush it and watch em close. If the buds start goin yellow I'll crop it off early. Lesson learnt. At least its not a total loss, those 2 are really bad, I think I can save the other 4, and the last 4 are still perfectly fine, they are about twice as tall, so I'm thinking they could handle the extra nutes better. They show no sign of burning at all.


Well-Known Member
Nutrient uptake is all about medium environment, root size, drainage, and PLANT SIZE! Keep your feedings relative to the plants size and you will do just fine. Flush, and then let it dry out almost all the way, or just all the way, before you water again, and even then check the PH of the run off water... if its higher than 6.8 or lower than 5.5 you should adjust the PH of the water you put into it to balance it out. There are a few threads about it some where around this site I am sure...


Well-Known Member
Ya I'll flush em right away then. The buds are big and look perfectly fine, that's why I was wondering about cropping early but I guess I'll flush it and watch em close. If the buds start goin yellow I'll crop it off early. Lesson learnt. At least its not a total loss, those 2 are really bad, I think I can save the other 4, and the last 4 are still perfectly fine, they are about twice as tall, so I'm thinking they could handle the extra nutes better. They show no sign of burning at all.


Well-Known Member
fuck! They look a lot worss in better light as I'm flushing them. The 4 that I thought were ok look a lot more burnt under a better light and out of their box.

GAAAAA I'm 52 days in how could I do this!!! Rookie mistake.


Well-Known Member
I don't know man... I don't know... but I am sure it will help keep a few other people in check though... have you checked your runoff PH?


Well-Known Member
I don't have PH testers. I'd imagine I'd buy them in the pool department of the hardware store? I'll save a sample in a jar and test it later. Here's the other 4. What do you guys think? I just flushed them all, do you think I caught it in time?



Well-Known Member
put a small fan on them with the light on them a bit further away than normal, and then after the yellow parts really start dying, just cut or rip or pick the dead parts off, then just start your flushing before harvest if you were planning on doing it soon, which I would recommend you do. Flushing as in, just strait watering, no feeding until harvest...


Well-Known Member
So I went out and bought pool testing strips. Unfourtunatly, the bottle only has the colors to match up for a PH of 6.2 and higher. So 7.5 was red, 6.2 was orange and the strip I tested ended up coming out yellow. So I'm guessing my PH is around 4.0 - 5.0. Should I adjust this so close to being done? If so, whats the safest way this far along in the game?


Well-Known Member
you tested the run off right? Did it come with PH up? If so, add some until you get a PH of about 7, and then water with the Ph of 7 to balance it out. Don't use the pool testers, use an actual agricultural PH tester, both soil and water, test water going in, test water coming out, and when all the water is done draining, test the soil itself, and that will tell you what need to do...


Well-Known Member
Ya I tested the runoff and it's PH was about 4.0. It did not come with any PH up, what can I add to the water to raise the PH?

I'll buy that agro thing eventually.