Please take a look * pics * white flakyness, upside down canoe leafs

The Lorax

Active Member
ELlo again. here are some pictures i just took of my plant. All criticism accepted, but i am mostly concerned about this odd white dry flakyness that has gotten on two of my leaves. Picture one shows this problem. Also my other concern is why the leaves are forming a upside down canoe/taco/claw shape. My plant is about 1-2 weeks into flowering. its about 20 inches tall in FFof soil. i over nuted it a while ago while it was vegging and flushed the soil then transplanted later to fix that problem and i havent fed it nutes since.


The Lorax

Active Member
75-80 degrees. with 1 oscillating fan blowing air out. i dont have a ventilation tho i just open my grow box and have the fan on. is the mould bad? will it affect the bud. how did i get it