Please tell me these are Female


Bad News....Both were Males :( had to cut them down. Well I have 1 plant left growing and no seeds. Any idea on locating seeds here in LV?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys newbie here at roll it up and at growing. I was hoping I could get some tips and opinions on my clones that I have. Some have brownish/yellowish spots, and some the leaves are dry and burnt. I was wondering what It can be. Maybe heat stress, nute deficiency, or even nute burn? I have six of the plants outdoor, and two are indoor under 8 23w(100w) cfls in a 2x5 closet. Please take a look and let me know what you think. The indoor ones are growing in ffof and the outdoor ones are in a miracle gro organic choice mix with some cheap potting soil. I give them ff big bloom, tiger bloom, grow big, kangaroots and microbrew twice a week. I water them about every 3 days, but its been very hot lately, 85-92 degrees f, so ive been watering every 2nd day. Please give me tips on what this can be! Thank you.
first three pics are indoor View attachment 2288919 View attachment 2288920View attachment 2288921 All these are outdoor.View attachment 2288922View attachment 2288923View attachment 2288924View attachment 2288925
Just a suggestion....... Start a new thread.
I read that jacking someone else's thread is frowned upon.
Good luck.