Big P
Well-Known Member
Why would a mod or fdd clean this thread?Did he cuss or resort to name calling?
you can edit and deleate your own threads wasnt a mod
Why would a mod or fdd clean this thread?Did he cuss or resort to name calling?
yes he did. luda is a joke and a loser. he is always in the middle of every argument. i have no sympathy for him. i believe he is a snitchWhy would a mod or fdd clean this thread?Did he cuss or resort to name calling?
disagreed man there isn't anything wrong with mail order.mail order seeds? mail order lights?mail order brides? none of it is good, buy local
quote from operation green merchant article said:According to Edwards, in the late 1980's the DEA believed that High Times magazine, pot seed merchants, indoor pot growers, pot journalists and hydroponics equipment manufacturers were a criminal conspiracy worthy of a nationwide takedown
cops cant get a search warrant based on a single snitch without any corroborating evidence. There obiously had to be some sort of probable cause just to be looked at and usually even more to get the warrant. he was going to get busted either way there was something that gave them the idea that it was pot he was growing. you can go to any local store or buy anything online you want as long as its not illegal and there is no ground for a search warrant. How dumb would police feel to break in on a massive okra and tomatoe indoor op... there has to have been some sort of proof that the grow was related to pot. unless he lives in a town where the local "barney's" dont care about rights and for that fact neither does the judge that signs the warrant. even then you can still have them dropped at a higher court leel if you can prove that the search was unlawful regaurdless of warrant.There's no way I'm buying this story.
If the OP believes what he says, then he's sadly misinformed.
Someone snitched - cops can not obtain a search warrant because they watched you buy growing supplies.
Let me ask you a question. How did the cops see a small dead plant in someones backyard and identify it as a male cannabis plantBob Smith;3419352 "[COLOR=#000000 said:Officers saw a dead marijuana plant in a bucket in the yard. Using that to get a search warrant,"[/COLOR]
Point is, they can follow me to and from the hydro store all day (please don't coppers) - long story short, there's no snitch (because no one else knows that I grow) and no weed trail (because I don't throw away anything to do with my garden), so they can not constitutionally get a search warrant.
this is what scares me half to death. I would rather buy all my supplies from home depo or lowes, but the the ones where I live don't carry shit!!!! I actualy had to order 42 daylight cfls, oh and just forget about soil or nutrients, fox farms ocean what??? the stuff they got in the garden section is like gravel they shoveled up in the parking lot.Snip
Yeah dude, in all seriousness[after seeing this thread], fuck luda.yes he did. luda is a joke and a loser. he is always in the middle of every argument. i have no sympathy for him. i believe he is a snitch
Bingo bango.Your story makes no sense.
Did you go to court on this, or just plead out?
Your Lawyer would know how they got enough on you to get a warrant - it is your right to see all evidence against you.