pleeeeease tell me my girl isnt pregnant!!

so if you have seen my other threads you know i found a hermi. i pulled it but i think it is too late.... so if she is pregnant what do i do now? and if i got all my hermi's out but another plant got pollinated and i left it in there can it pollinate the other plants?


the first pic and the other 2 are from different plants. are they both seed pods? and like i said, if one of my plants got pollinated but was not a hermi can it pollinate the other plants?


Well-Known Member
If one plant gets polinated then it's safe to say all of them did. If you have any kind of fan or venting system then you done son. I read that one pollen sack busting open can pollinate an entire crop. Best bet is to hustle that shit like I do and tell those junkies your crack ain't soap.:peace:
but i have 8 plants that were five weeks behind. i put all the plants into one room because i was going to flower all plants. i had 8 that were all girls and 4 turned hermi. the other 4 are showing no signs of pollination or sex change. so i dont know what the fuck to do!!!!


Well-Known Member
You will have a few seeds but not a lot, no big deal. Plants in there that aren't hermie's but have been pollentated will NOT pollenate other plants only males or hermies send out pollen not fertilized females.

You might want to do some good cleaning in that room with pine sol or some other disinfectant that will kill any more pollen that may be on the floor, walls, in your fans etc. I would clean/vacuum everything taking everything out and cleaning and then putting all the plants back.


Well-Known Member
I would just say screw it then and let them finish. You'll have to pick the seeds out to smoke it but oh well at least you will have plenty of weed. It will still be stony chronic, just will yield a lot less than if it were sensi.

If it weren't so late you could kill the 4 hermies and maybe get more bud but I think it's too late, just live with it and learn from it.
You will have a few seeds but not a lot, no big deal. Plants in there that aren't hermie's but have been pollentated will NOT pollenate other plants only males or hermies send out pollen not fertilized females.

You might want to do some good cleaning in that room with pine sol or some other disinfectant that will kill any more pollen that may be on the floor, walls, in your fans etc. I would clean/vacuum everything taking everything out and cleaning and then putting all the plants back.

so now that i know all the hermi's are jerked then i shouldn't have any of my new crop pollinated then...and i am going to clean the whole damn room. i did not notice they were hermi's till i moved them to the new room. they were only in there 2 days. but i know that i will know nothing for sure till i harvest it and cure it and smoke it. and then we will deal with the seeds. but not all seeded weed is schwar right? because i spent an assload on these seeds from holland...if it only has a few seeds then i can pick them out and be okay right??