Plex access for fellow stoners


Well-Known Member
With tough times we've had in the recent past and the likely tough times in the near future, bills can be a real problem and TCH therapy may be more important than ever. ;) Hypothetically someone might like the idea of saving themselves a monthly streaming bill and spending the money on weed instead.

Sorry to be kinda cryptic. I have a 26TB plex server and I'd like a few more users to justify the time and money I've spent setting it up. Not gonna be specific about what's on it, but if you are in a situation where paying for streaming entertainment is a luxury, pm me your plex username.
Hey, Heis. Good to see you around. So, you're fixin' to be the next YIFY, or some kind of pirate server? I torrent pretty much everything, music, TV, movies, etc.. I'd be glad to join your server, please don't hack me and steal my financial information. My plex username shall be PENISLAND (that's Pen Island, get your minds out of the gutter.)
Hey, Heis. Good to see you around. So, you're fixin' to be the next YIFY, or some kind of pirate server? I torrent pretty much everything, music, TV, movies, etc.. I'd be glad to join your server, please don't hack me and steal my financial information. My plex username shall be PENISLAND (that's Pen Island, get your minds out of the gutter.)
Haha no not trying to compete with yifi or anything. It's just that the few users I have only watch like 2% of what's on there. Hopefully you find it useful. Welcome aboard!
I torrent pretty much everything, music, TV, movies, etc..

Same here. I haven't felt the need to pay for cable or streaming services since like 2003. And I am a digital hoarder so I keep almost everything I download, which is what gave birth to the server.

I gave up on music though. It became too much to keep up with and after about 130k MP3s I realized I could start listening to stuff that second and keep listening every second until I die and still not get through it all. These days if I find something I like and want it on the flash drive for the car I just rip it off youtube. Otherwise I'm ok with streaming. I just wish streaming apps were better at suggesting new music.
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