pls hlp determine sex


Active Member
I doubt its leaves considering it already has shoots coming out of there but give it time if you want it wont hurt
That was my immediate idea too but they arent exactly forming pouches....heres a better probably just in denial because it was thriving the best of all 10 heres some different shots



Active Member
Did some research and found another guy with the exact same thing but his turned out to be leaves! This is exactly What im seeing on my plant..what do yall think? Can anybody help?Screenshot_2014-07-15-14-17-38.png


Active Member
Ive compared and contrasted And i just cant make up my mind...can anybody with experience take a look? Im guessing B may be a male and the other two female? They are growing outside and sprouted from seed 40-45 days ago
Looks like (you can't tell for sure yet), but looks like mine did when it was growing new foliage. I thought "These are balls, great...". Turned out female, just a lot of weird foliage development.


Well-Known Member
A & C I see nothing yet that would tell if M or F.. On B I will say again, give it time, Like Nintendude said

I thought "These are balls, great...". Turned out female, just a lot of weird foliage development.