plucking premature seeds 7weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
im noticing alot of things I thought were resin glands are premature seed pods and when I pull them out they have a weak shell, is it ok to pluck these this late into flower or should I just take all the seeds out after words


Well-Known Member
might as well just leave them now,its already 7 weeks in? just harvest the seeds when they are dun


New Member
Resin production will be lowered but you'll still be fine. Resin is produced to get pollen to stick for making babies.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks man I just dont want it to all be for nothing, because they smell really spectacular and look the same.


New Member
Well, there are of course many different opinions, but I feel that by letting your buds get just a smattering of seeds helps make the plant complete. It is their sole purpose in life to complete their cycle. Sensi bud denies them of this. It shouldn't always be just about our needs... :peace:



Well-Known Member
yea positive way to look at ti. What about the seeds from the plant its I assume a power skunk X violater kush, will they be stable


New Member
I am not familiar with their phenotype but sounds like seeds worth keeping. Experimentation leads to new strains all the time.

When served lemons...make lemonade. heck, i don't even kill my males....they are all doing their very best!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
in your opinion is it better to go with feminized seeds or non. I ran into the problem where I had both and got lazy and males popped in like te first cppl weeks of flower and the fan circulating air just spread that pollen to all my ladies. I hope I dont get more seed than bud thats all, lol.


New Member
Fem seeds carry hermie traits since that is how they are produced. As in most everything in life, there are no true shortcuts.

I prefer to have both sexes appear. Males will usually show themselves first and will also be taller (makes sense considering gravity and all) from the get go. look for these two signs. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey I have a similiar question if thats ok...Will it stress my plant if I pluck the seeds that I see out ???Will new growth cover it so I can get mega blowed off of it??

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Fem seeds carry hermie traits since that is how they are produced. As in most everything in life, there are no true shortcuts.

I prefer to have both sexes appear. Males will usually show themselves first and will also be taller (makes sense considering gravity and all) from the get go. look for these two signs. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
apparently greenhouse seeds have removed all traces of male genetics from their femmed beans somehow, so there's no chance of herms.