Plush Berry & Cali Kush 1000w DWC from Clones (Late Start on Forums)


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone!
This is my first grow ever, my buddy started his first grow as well but it was a soil grow, and I decided to get my card and join him, and we added 6 plants to the house.
The plants are all in 5 gal. buckets with a few different airstones in them, but 6" net pots I believe and a giant airpump pumping it all.
We have two Plush berry clones and four Cali Kush clones. We bought them from someone on craiglist but they ended up being some pretty decent clones although, they had some leave tips cut off probably due to some nute burn or something. They were the best we could get our hands on though.
-1000w MH light for vegging
-Jungle Juice Micro and Bloom Nutes
-We've been keeping Ph around 5.5-5.7
-Water temps have been a problem they fluctuate from 70-77 but the plants are in a room with no circulation other than a little Honeywell fan that we have mounted on the Big Kahuna hood that we have. Surprisingly it works sort of good.
This grow Journal is starting a little late because i never really took the time to take good pictures of the plants and always procrastinated and debated even starting this.
We picked up the clones and planted them on the 15th of December. Its the 30th so had em for about 2 weeks and they've had some crazy growth, all the plants except for one are looking really good and reacting really well to some topping and super cropping/ bending the tops. We cut out some undergrowth already idk if that was a good idea or not but it seems to be working.
-A lot of the plants have signs of root rot but we noticed that and have been adding H2O2 to the buckets and that seemed to help. Most of the plants that had root rot were ones that were in buckets with bad airstones though.

This must suck so far cause no pictures and a lot of reading but im high so i just kept typing ill get some pictures up soon.

Feel Free to Post on Here


Well-Known Member
Post all you want on here im looking for everyone to drop a comment in, i'll try and get some better pictures up soon too.


Well-Known Member
plants look real good, my only bit of advice would be to maybe get that ballast off the floor(unless it was just randomly there in the pic). you never know when your going to have a spill or something.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, but yea i feel you on the ballast being on the ground, we had it on a little step ladder, but had to take it for something else for a little, that'll be back on something tomorrow. Im really curious to see how our plants turn out though, ive never grown before and started off with low hopes on this so that i wasnt dissapointed. My buddy said we should hopefully average about an ounce per plant, but weve been using a 1000 watt MH bulb and just went out today to pick and put in a 1000watt HPS bulb.


Well-Known Member
And what really has me curious as to how the yield goes in the end is seeing Flo Grows 9 oz c99 grow in a DWC system, i read that journal in and out and realized its almost the same scenario just a year later :smile:, my plants before they all went into flowering were around 15+ inches except for the runt.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man good to hear from another person on this forum. and yea i hope so but well see. I cant wait till the buds start forming, i feel like its gonna be pretty sweet watching them form.


Well-Known Member
Here's some more pics i took Earlier, Wednesday the 11th though.

I took some individual plant pictures of all the plants for the two people who are here and everyone whos not.

This is the runt of the batch.(Cali Kush)

Heres a Cali Kush Plant

Another Cali Kush

Heres one of the two plush Berry plants

The Second Plush Berry

The final Cali Kush Plant

Heres a few other pics just to look pretty

On these pictures i was trying to get a shot of the white hairs growing in making me thing the buds are getting ready to start comin out soon.

Its time to smoke a quick, bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Hey guys got another update although i'm still talking to myself in here, its my first grow i was hoping to get some more feedback but whatever.


These last two pictures are from my buddies plants, hes got me mad jealous and hopefully it'll stir up some conversation.


Well-Known Member
+rep good work dude. I hope you have more pics of how this is turning out. You should be moving along in to mid-late flower at this point. peace hope to hear back from ya. sub'd


Well-Known Member
Hey good to see some people are still watching this, I'm sorry I haven't been putting more pictured up, but I just kind of stopped because I felt like I was doing this journal for myself. I think i have a few pictures on my camera that i haven't uploaded yet. But our plants are doing really well, were getting ready to flush the four Cali Kushes. not too many mess ups on this grow other than we didn't have a microscope and thought we were late for flushing, so we put the Cali's into fresh water and flushed them for 3 days, until we got a microscope and realized we started flush really early, so we put them back into nutes and it hasn't seemed to stunt and resin production. The Calis are growing very simply and very stalky. The Plush Berry's on the other hand are the frostiest and best smelling buds I've ever seen (even though its my first grow :D).


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry some of the pictures are really out of focus but they were just ones I had on my camera right now, ill try and get some better pictures later today or tomorrow.

These First Three pictures are from a trimming of Cali Kush, we didn't plan on taking any cuttings off the plants, but since we had flushed for three days we wanted to try some out.
The rest of the pictures are from the Plush Berry, Enjoy.

I hope to have some more pictures up pretty soon.



Well-Known Member
Hey just took some Fresh pictures today, the last ones I uploaded were from the 13 of February and these are from today. And as you can see the Plush's are starting to get some purple in them.


