Plush Berry Picture Thread


Active Member
Idk how long you've been talking about this but the picture you showed with the bud with 'balls all over it'; those looked like seed pods not hermie bananas or even males pollen sacs. Is it possible that you had a male and caught it late? Maybe one plant grow a few small bananas and released the pollen that seems to have pollinated at least on of your plants.
No, they were balls. They were yellow and had no hairs growing out of them.


Well-Known Member
... I ask about it and get no kind of explanations. Hm......
There's 35 pages of thread here. 340+ posts from who-knows-how-many growers. Not thinking there's a cover-up going on to simply trick you.

I don't recall ever reading about a hermie scare. You brought it up and no one responded that genetics were anything less than first rate. I just think it's clear that everyone feels this is user error. What more do you want from this "Plush Berry Picture Thread?"


Active Member
I made a post in here that says I think it was the soil that i transplanted into had to much guano mixed in. I flushed them and a bunch of brown muddy stuff cameout the bottom. Way more brown shit than I put in the soil. I test the ph of the soil it was about 6ish even though I only gave them water with a ph of 6.8-7. And I transplanted from happy frog to ocean forest. 4 days or so after the transplant is when they started growing in with lime green color.

At this point im just checking back for any info someone might post. I havent really got any useful info on growing this strain yet.. O well
The other reason im here is because I would like to share my experience with this strain. And to let everyone know that this strain hermis out pretty easily(it hermis out before showing sighns of nute burn)... Unlike the things I have read. If I were a subcool sheep like everyone else. I would just be like "Zomg thats so dank I love this strain"
Ive pretty much done nothing wrong(i didnt do everything perfectly but nothing wrong). And the other 2 subcool strains I have are doing just fine. So something has to be up with PB. It definately has some kind of hermi trait that is brought out by something. Just because others havent found it yet doesnt mean it doesnt exist.


Well-Known Member
Just because others havent found it yet doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
Can't disagree with that but the problems that you claim are beyond a single seed or plant. You claim to have a high rate of hermie among several seeds. That's statistically significant, yet you must agree it is odd that in this entire, very focused thread, no one else feels the genetics are anything but desirable.

As others have said, if you have a grow problem, join the club. The rest of us just don't blame the genetics when shit happens. Just because people disagree with you doesn't make people sheep. Sorry dude. Peace.


Well-Known Member
I made a post in here that says I think it was the soil that i transplanted into had to much guano mixed in. I flushed them and a bunch of brown muddy stuff cameout the bottom. Way more brown shit than I put in the soil. I test the ph of the soil it was about 6ish even though I only gave them water with a ph of 6.8-7. And I transplanted from happy frog to ocean forest. 4 days or so after the transplant is when they started growing in with lime green color.

At this point im just checking back for any info someone might post. I havent really got any useful info on growing this strain yet.. O well
The other reason im here is because I would like to share my experience with this strain. And to let everyone know that this strain hermis out pretty easily(it hermis out before showing sighns of nute burn)... Unlike the things I have read. If I were a subcool sheep like everyone else. I would just be like "Zomg thats so dank I love this strain"
Ive pretty much done nothing wrong(i didnt do everything perfectly but nothing wrong). And the other 2 subcool strains I have are doing just fine. So something has to be up with PB. It definately has some kind of hermi trait that is brought out by something. Just because others havent found it yet doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
I consider myself a Subcool Fanboy, and I must say I think the genetics in plushberry got some slight issues. My one plushberry plant (only like 20 days old from seed) has one leaf on one side and two smaller leaves on the other right now. A Mutant! However I personally love mutants because genetically they tell me that the weed was bred for the high and not the veg which I like. HOWEVER Plushberry seems it may have some issues with some growing conditions due to its mutant nature (Spacebomb is a mutant and I love finding those weird phenos). I'll still grow it tho unless more than half hermie.


Well-Known Member
I had a bit of the ol' mutation on one PB really early on. Then it stopped so wasn't sure what the heck. Plant looks fine now. Do those sort of mutations generally continue all the way through veg?

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
Generally all the mutants I've seen from TGA Subcool are simply fan leaves that grow some extra blades from the center or even bud if you're lucky! One of my Plush Berrys had quite a few leaves with extra blades, but if you're getting bud from fan leaves I'd say it's a mutant worth breeding with!

Anyway it's been a while since any photos were put up and that's what the thread is for so here is some tric shots:

tricshot5.jpgtrics3.jpgTrics 1.jpgTrics shot4.jpgtrics2.jpgtricshot6.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of the PlushBerry i'm talking about. Notice the top should be one big fan leaf like the bottom but instead with this there are two fan leaves instead of one at the top and the one below, so 3 instead of 2 leaves.

I love mutants tho, I know purists may say this isn't acceptable for their commercial weed but they don't know what they are missing. Mutants are special! :)



Well-Known Member
Looks like what I had but that only happened to two pairs of leaves. After that, no more and it's still going beautifully. BTW, nice air pots


Active Member
it could be some kind of stress you put on the plant. subcool spends time and follows up with testing to develop stable unique high potency strains. for you to have a issue in which you are describing " And to let everyone know that this strain hermis out pretty easily(it hermis out before showing sighns of nute burn) " you transplanted from happy frog right into ocean forest and have a hermie before nute burn you should try not to have nute burn in the first place if your worried about nute burn maybe dont go from bland ass soil like happy frog right into hot ass ocean forest further more i have grown this strain in stright ocean forest cloned the mom put those clones in straight ocean forest no nute burn no issues with hermies. also how late into flower are you transplanting if you had a hermie withen 4 days of transplant that means your transplanting in flower consider that for your high hermie rate happy frog to ocean forest is a jump that could be a problem not with guano or the ocean forest more or less the metabolism of the plant. which you have girl waterd my plants(including pb) in there dark cycle while i was out of town working i called her after the job everynight and she was like oh shit i got to go water them wagin and ohh shit how much nutrients she opend the door flicked the lights on and did the thing no hermies on pb or my apollo a few bananas on the super lemon haze and the rhino was a trooper as always. my outdoor plushberry went from aeroponic net pot to oceanforest and ground dirt mix.


Active Member
it could be some kind of stress you put on the plant. subcool spends time and follows up with testing to develop stable unique high potency strains. for you to have a issue in which you are describing " And to let everyone know that this strain hermis out pretty easily(it hermis out before showing sighns of nute burn) " you transplanted from happy frog right into ocean forest and have a hermie before nute burn you should try not to have nute burn in the first place if your worried about nute burn maybe dont go from bland ass soil like happy frog right into hot ass ocean forest further more i have grown this strain in stright ocean forest cloned the mom put those clones in straight ocean forest no nute burn no issues with hermies. also how late into flower are you transplanting if you had a hermie withen 4 days of transplant that means your transplanting in flower consider that for your high hermie rate happy frog to ocean forest is a jump that could be a problem not with guano or the ocean forest more or less the metabolism of the plant. which you have girl waterd my plants(including pb) in there dark cycle while i was out of town working i called her after the job everynight and she was like oh shit i got to go water them wagin and ohh shit how much nutrients she opend the door flicked the lights on and did the thing no hermies on pb or my apollo a few bananas on the super lemon haze and the rhino was a trooper as always. my outdoor plushberry went from aeroponic net pot to oceanforest and ground dirt mix.
I vegged them for 5 days in the new pots before flowering. Ive had good resulst with foxfarms before. But seems like the soil is different every time.
Next round Im just gonna make my own soil mix..
Also just wanna say, I think that they have cleared the hump. I cut the tops off that had balls. And the plants seem to be growing regular female buds now... Only the one plant actually turned into a full hermi ?? So.. 1 plant made 1 ball. 1 plant made 2 balls. 1 made like 40. 2 made 0.

Sorry for ranting so much seriously. I feel like im getting screwed by everyone nowdays and I brought lots of anger out on this thread for no reason. I still feel like people all charge too much for seeds. O well...
I am convinced it was the foxfarms soil. It definately was not my humbold nutes they are too good, and I really only give them a total of like 2tsp of nutes throughout the whole grow.
It may have been heat, but its unlikely because it only got to 90 degrees on the hottest day. And after that I increased airflow a littlebit and the temps were 75.

Anyways, had to take my plants up to santa cruz and let a friend grow them out. I have these people coming that do this bullshit maitenence checkup on every room in the house.... I hate when I feel like were getting raided by the people that we rent from lol.. Take a huge security deposit, and fucking still need to check the apartment for maintenance? lol dbags..


Rebel From The North
Got a ? Shag your usin ff soil and humbolt nutes hmm ff is pre mix soil that contain nutreints already!
Also ff these days aint the same as in years past and its not for the better! Reason i mentioned nutes is its
Posable your over feeding and stressing your plants out


Active Member
Got a ? Shag your usin ff soil and humbolt nutes hmm ff is pre mix soil that contain nutreints already!
Also ff these days aint the same as in years past and its not for the better! Reason i mentioned nutes is its
Posable your over feeding and stressing your plants out
I know ff is premixed, thats why I buy it so I can feed it really lightly. I dont like to pour much into my soil because I dont know a whole lot about nutes. I use humbold nutes, and use less then half tsp when I feed. I only fed them 2 times.

Im curious, you say its not the same as far as nutrients they put in? In my previous grows OF was never that hot and needed food within 3 weeks. I have noticed a big difference in the ocean forrest I got in spokaneWa vs cali.

Anyways. pls pm me from now on lol I feel bad for wasting 3 pages of this thread. I dont have anything relevant to post in here anymore.

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
Sweet! How many days into flower?
Hard to say exact start time as they started outside but was around August 15th so going on 70 or so days and the leaves are still all green and healthy and the buds keep swelling, and the trics are still about 25-35% clear on most of the plant so I'm gonna give it a while... I wanna see some yellow leaves falling before I chop anything....


Well-Known Member
Got a ? Shag your usin ff soil and humbolt nutes hmm ff is pre mix soil that contain nutreints already!
Also ff these days aint the same as in years past and its not for the better! Reason i mentioned nutes is its
Posable your over feeding and stressing your plants out
this is why I asked him in previous post when he began fertilizing, because FF is good for almost 30 days on PB