Plz help fast


Well-Known Member
I have to go out of town in a few minutes, wont be back until monday, and i just noticed today alot of my lower leaves are wilting/ drooping. It has always looked healthy intil today. The past few days i noced ajust a few leaves wilting, but now majority if the lower leaves are starting to wilt pretty bad. Is there anything i can do?

I just watered it, i am hoping maybe it was just thirsty


Well-Known Member
it could have just been thirsty. it could possible b from not enough light penatrating the bottom leaves and it has given up on them to grow new leaves on top. my plant wus doing the same thing. i pruned some of the real bad wilted leaves and changed my light setup so it gets a bit more light to the lower leaves and it perked right up :)
and you could try to flush it, it could just not b getting water to the entire root mass, or the soil could b getting stagnent. hope this helps. good luck


Well-Known Member
thnx for the advice. I dont have time to put a pic up right now =(, i am praying it will still be alive when i get back.
Light was another thing i was hoping was NOT the prob =( But it might be. I am only using a 150 watt HPS, but its just for the 1 plant. I vegged it for about 5 weeks. Topped in 2 weeks ago, then i tried to do sone LST and broke 1 of the fuking side branches.... lol but i think i might be able to repair it. ugggg i g2g thnx again


Well-Known Member
it should heal up that side branch okay. it might get looking pretty bad cuz it putting all of its energy into heling that. but i use cfls, i hav no experience with hps so im not sure on that. maybe try to put something reflectice around the plant to trap light. and yea it could just sinply b under/over watering


Well-Known Member
Im praying it was under watered. I am trying my hardest not to water it too much, and i think maybe i just went a lil too long w/o watering.
When i was vegging, i used four 23 watt cfls, one 32 watt cfl, and a 90 watt ufo(i seriously think the cfls did more than the ufo...). But the entire time of veg, i had no problems(except for the first few days) And has looked better than i could imagine. I put the 150 hps in about a week ago and started my bud cycle, and i have noticed a tremindous amount of streching. But i guess thats normal, plus its a sativa... But ya the leaves were drooping hardcore this morning and freaked me out and i wont be able to see how it is until monday.
wish me luck!
o yeah and the temp stays about 79 during the day, not sure at night but prob no less than 70