Plz help!!!!!!!!!!!


IMAG0090.jpgIMAG0091.jpgIMAG0089.jpg My plants are funking out and i dont know if it is the soil? one plant is turning its bottom leaves yellow and all of them are starting to develop and alien form of stem can anyone help me? i thought it was heat until i noticed all of them like tht. your help or advice would be much appreciated thank you :)bongsmilie


Active Member
looks to me like a N lockout deficiency from overwatering??
you also have powdery mildew all over, spraying milk over your plants will beat this problem!


Active Member
try mixing some molasses in a water bottle with some pH'd water and give the leaves a good spray and this should combat the N defiency


Well-Known Member
we need to know exactly what your doing. List your medium, nutrients, watering schedule, lights and temps. Otherwise it's too tough to get an idea of how to fix them. Right now i can tell you to treat your powdery mildew issue. First try a 9:1 ratio of skim milf and water, I would go high PH myself, better Spray the infected areas well and rinse 2 days later. If that doesn't work go and buy a product for anti-mildew, either at your local hydro store or a garden center, just tell them you have a PM problem with some tomatoe plants you have started indoors for the next season. I'll check in tomorrow to help some more. I can always save the plants just need to know what's going on. I also spend whatever cash by any means on my garden too so...


Well-Known Member
I just saw the second pic you posted. You've got spider mites man. Get on top of it quick or it will ruin your whole grow. I just gave some advice 2 minutes ago in another thread. Here's the link. My posting was lengthy so you can just hit the link and read what I wrote.

I'll attach a screen grab I took of the leaves I saw mite damage on. Look at the undersides of the leaves with the little white dots and you will find mites.

