Pocket-friendly 1000W lights ?

Your "600 watt" lights are more than likely 60 watts actual from wall. Your looking for a true 150-200 watt light from wall. Take a look at bestva I have a bestva 1000 it's 110watts and I've grown some nice plants with it. Get 2 of those for around $150 and you'll be better off than using what you have now. I stay away from cheaper mars hydro products I've seen to many burnt up wires and fire issues with them. Even the viparspectra 1000s are good. 2000s as well.
Look up bestva bp2000 those are decent cheap lights. Good dimming good full spectrum decent quality diodes. Last for years I've had my bestva 1000 for years now still use it for my seedling light.
Hey guys,

Looking to purchase a new set of 1000W lights for my indoors. Market seems to be saturated with all types of brands, sizes, wattages etc so I'd appreciate a bit of help from those that have a clue. Budget is no higher than 150$ for the moment. I'm not planning to grow any high-grade artisinal weed or whatever, it's more of an emergency supply thing, so no need to comment on the loss of this or that if I'm using lower quality lights ✌
I have been researching lights for the past 3 weeks. I didn’t have a budget but was “thinking” I wanted to have some good grows with the “cheaper” lights. That changed really quick. On a whim I literally bought 2 spider farmer sf1000s the new ones and then bought 2 spider farmer sf1000d which are even less power and par. I they got my plants going just fine but I have a 10x7 grow area I have in my basement so tons of room. My plan was to, and I’m not joking, grow a single plant under each light. Well $2500 and 3 weeks later and I’ve purchased all my soil, nutes, seeds, fans, humidifier, timers, hygrometers, more seeds, then decided I want to do autos in my big space and bought a 5x5 grow tent dedicated for photos only. My 4-100 watt spider farmer lights are now gonna be for seedling/veg, and I’ve purchased 2 Viparspectra ks5000 for my big area and a Phlizon fd6000 for my 5x5 tent. I went a little budget on the lights but also got decent quality and watts necessary for my grow areas. So in conclusion after saying all that if your budget is $150 I think the best light for that money if you want to go cheap is the farmlite 240 watt on Amazon or my choice because it’s on sale for $159 is the Viparspectra xs2500 on Amazon. That would be perfect for the closet and do you just fine.