Polak Grow


Well-Known Member
Long time no see! From Poland with love... wait a sec, it was Russia not Polak land. Who would expect love from Poland? lol ...A'ight, after 2 weeks in the flowering chamber 3 of the plants showed sex finally. I got 2 belladonna ladies and 1 satori boy. Third bella still undefined and remaining satori still vegging (topped three times). Good times! Weather? Ultra crap, 55-60, no sun at all. Old world sucks sometimes, you know?

2 belladonna ladies

smaller one

bigger one

satori boy

vegging satori

Did some macros as well but they didn't cut the mustard due to poor lighting conditions.

Oh, our police busted the biggest grow op to date - 10 thou plants. Check the video and the scale of the operation.

Have a great Saturday evening!!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Czesc, dostajesz punkt do twojej reputacji za fantastychne zdjlcia. :)
Thank you for all these beautiful pictures for us to look at. Makes me want to go back to the homeland. I can kinda smell it looking at the photos .... and your weed as well ... lol
I am not familiar with that strain (in my lungs) but have ready quite a lot about it .... So I am on board for this one, that is for sure !!

Greetings from Canada !


Well-Known Member
Dzięki stary, which is 'thanks bro' in our lingo! The shorter bella is a foot high at this point and the other one is 4" taller. I'm gonna put the still vegging satori to flower in a week. Thanks for all the kind words!


Well-Known Member
Cheers Cracker!! Hope you are doing great! The sailing season opening was great fun indeed but too much vodka to my liking and too few boats. Maybe cool weather scared people away.
Upon opening my flowering chamber this morning (space under the sink to be more specific lol) I discovered that third bella is a donna as well! Which means that outta 3 bellas I had sowed all ended up females. Brilliant stuff!! Tommorrow i'm going to get nutes and use them for the first time. So far (2 months) plants only been watered, but I noticed a slight discoloration on the lowest leaves and gonna rectify it tomorrow.


New Member
That's great to hear.... about the Bellas anyway... too bad about the sailing.... I'm getting the hankering for a sailing trip.... gonna have to put it on my to do list. I used to own several large power boats, but once I got on a friends 5o footer up in Connecticut....I was hooked....sailed to his place in Block island (very nice place...my family used to have a house there), spent the week there and sailed back.... I never even looked at a power boat again.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey meathook666 !!
Your handle aka avatar name ... does not match your sweet and sensible tone as per your writing !!



Well-Known Member
I think it's a classic example of a double personality hahaha, but seriously, can't change my name at this point.


Well-Known Member
Got new pics for you today:hump:
It's been 90% overcast for the last three weeks with temps not really above 70' so my plants can be considered a classic window sill pot. I believe they're gonna transform into monsters once the sun comes out. Time for the pics including some underage bud porn.

All the plants

Three belladonna ladies

Pistils I

Pistils II


And my fovourite lady, yeah, I like them chicks chubby.



New Member
Nice !!.... I didn't see the captions at first...and was like... I hope he realizes that's a male.... LoL... Keep him inside and save the pollen.


New Member
Males are a great utility to have...contrary to popular belief.... I try not to kill any myself.... it's not the plants fault they sexed out male....everything has a purpose. :peace:

When served lemons...make lemonade.


Well-Known Member
They are coming along slowly:-?. Mostly due to a total lack of sunlight this spring and temps in 50' and 60'. Global warming is a shameful scam! Got pics for you anyway. 3 ladies, 1 indica looking (blooming quicker than the rest) and 2 other showing more sativa characteristics. They've been flowering for 4 weeks now, probably 6 more to go. Oh, the remaining satori's sex is still to be revealed.

A bit of a bud porn


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
weird all my plants did the same thing as yours with 2 dominant colas and 2 smaller ones and they were topped one node above yours. I guess I just don't understand the technique cuz I figured one of ours would look right. Anyways congrats on the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate! As for the colas...I followed pretty much religiously what UB said in his thread. I'd been waiting till plants developed 5 nodes and then topped them above second node. And the result is on the pics above which is not what I wanted. I don't think it's your or my fault that we didn't get 4 main colas. You can't screw up the technique so simple. I think it's strain or maybe even particular plant related. I get the impression that sometimes those lowest side shoots are somehow semi-dormant. I tried something else with my satori. I had topped above the second node then waited 2 weeks and topped again the upper 2 colas above their first node...Check it out:

And finally all four


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Looks nice. I will try again I guess and if that doesn't work I'm just going to stick with the supercropping cuz i like that a whole lot more than topping but since I clone em all anyways I might as well keep shooting for 4 tops.


Well-Known Member
No more satoris. The second one, topped multiple times turned out to be male as well. So it's 3 belladonna ladies now. The've been flowering for a month now.


Well-Known Member
Yo everybody! Picture update after almost 6 weeks of flowering. Boy, they are slow, especially those lanky ones. The stout one is much more developed. Pollinated a few lower branches 10 days ago. Pistils I had treated with a pollen withered and calyxes started to swell. I'll get some macros next time. Temps on the rise so ladies are moving out. So far so good!
