Polar Bears dying From Climate Change


New Member
Hmmm ok. Do you know how much oil we use daily? daily consumption was between 78 and 85 million barrels a day between 2002 and 2006.

...And thats only oil.

the worlds consumption of coal is about 6.2 billion tons annually.

Now tell me we dont contribute to global warning :roll:
The carbon layer in the atmosphere is 0.038%. Man's contribution is 3% of that. That works out to 0.00114%.

It's the sun dude...it's the sun. Follow the bouncing ball, not Al Gore.



Well-Known Member
OH you didn't actually believe that bullshit study did you? Cow farts? Cows were roaming this planet in giant herds for thousands of years before humans started using fossil fuels. Why didn't the cow farts cause any global warming then?

Amazingly enough cow farts didn't start "effecting" the climate until the complaining started about using so many oil related products, then the great cow study was produced to protect the pocket stuffers in DC.
fast food resteraunts didn't exist before man as far as I know. there wasn't a ridiculous demand for beef back then.

not supporting the theory of course, but there's an obvious reason why it didn't happen back then and why it's happening now, there's over 100x more cows now.


Well-Known Member
Polar bears are dying because of the climate change, they are nearly all wiped out! One major reason is that polar bears are forced to swim more than they normally would due to the rapid melting snow

In 1950 there were 5,000 polar bears. As of 2007, there were 25,000.

Climate change, right? Perhaps it was the imminent Ice Age scientists were expecting in the 1970's which accounts for the increase. :razz:

To claim, however, that they are facing imminent doom is stretching the truth. In 1950, let us not forget, there were about 5,000 polar bears. Now there are 25,000.

No wonder Greenpeace had trouble getting polar bears placed on the endangered species list. A fivefold population increase isn’t exactly a catastrophic decline.

But never let the facts get in the way of a good story. The doom-mongers certainly won’t. Despite evidence from organisations such as the US National Biological Service that in most places polar bear populations are either stable or increasing, Ursus maritimus will continue to top the eco-hysterics’ list of animals in danger because it’s so fluffy and white and photogenic.


Active Member
put some in the Rockies, the Andies, the Himalayas, the Alps, they'll adapt, maybe kill some novice snowboarders, to get revenge :blsmoke:


New Member
We are outing ourselves and we don't even see it. Were taking away natural resources for technology. I give the planet 25,000 years at the most. That seems like a long time but really think about it. Seems like you were in 2nd grade just yesterday right? That's because time flies.


New Member
You know what the worst thing's about republicans is! They don't care about the planet and they won't legalize it! FUCK THEM :finger:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I went away when this thread started gettin more posts, but I just gotta say that humans definitley have contributed to speedin up the process of fuckin these polar bears and i have always understood that species come and go,but polar bears shouldnt be fucking drowning and the ice should still be around right now, but I dont blame it all on our past couple years or some dumb shit like that, if global warming wasn't a problem right now, then that would mean that we had changed our natural resource fucking habits a longgg time ago anyways....it blows, and I never understood why people make fun of Al Gore and hate him so much, imagine how different our nation could be today...


New Member
I personally make fun of Al Gore because he's wrong and he KNOWS it. Doesn't seem to bother him with all the dough re me he's raked in. He's a tool.

out. :blsmoke:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I personally make fun of Al Gore because he's wrong and he KNOWS it. Doesn't seem to bother him with all the dough re me he's raked in. He's a tool.

out. :blsmoke:
Whether he was right about his theory of why global warming is happening, or another explanation for why its happening, IT IS happening, and he gave a fuck.


Well-Known Member
I don't really care that much about polar bears because face to face it would maul the fuck out of you, but if they die out it'll lead to other problems over there


Well-Known Member
I don't really care that much about polar bears because face to face it would maul the fuck out of you, but if they die out it'll lead to other problems over there
yep, too many penguins, .....................



New Member
Whether he was right about his theory of why global warming is happening, or another explanation for why its happening, IT IS happening, and he gave a fuck.

He is 100% incorrect and his film was a joke for those who do a bit of investigating. By the way when he was VP for 8 years he didn't give a rats arse. After he loses a humiliating defeat (and it was humiliating, he needed only to win his home state to be Pres., you know the folks that KNOW him), only after his defeat does he REMAKE himself as a climate Guru. Except like almost everything Gore says, the truth is nowhere nearby. He's laughing all the way to the bank.

Global warming OR cooling (temps have been down since 1998 is caused by the SUN. there is no correlation between carbon levels and temp. swings...NONE. However the sun's activity parallels the earths temp swings almost exactly. Problem is we can't tax the sun.

Nuff said.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
You do realize that before humans covered the entire planet, the earth was covered in huge herds roaming everywhere.

Just because there weren't any fast food restaurants doesn't mean the Aurochs didn't exist (it's the ancestor of the cow).

You do also realize that the government picks the answer that they want from a study first, then they go search out someone who can perform that study and reach the result they desire.

"global warming" didn't start until people started burning fossil fuels. It has nothing to do with cows and farting and I feel sorry for anyone who has drank that much federal koolaid.

fast food resteraunts didn't exist before man as far as I know. there wasn't a ridiculous demand for beef back then.

not supporting the theory of course, but there's an obvious reason why it didn't happen back then and why it's happening now, there's over 100x more cows now.


New Member
Man made his breakaway into the world when carbon was about 4 to 5 times what they are today. It's a big FIB. Screw Gore and the non scientific jackass he rode in on. Whew! I feel better... :lol:

out. :blsmoke: