Polar Bears dying From Climate Change


Well-Known Member
Your pattern of thought is headed in the right direction. Waste reclamation and recycling would be a good start to bettering our planet indeed.

What would also better our planet is the complete abolishment of all money. Imagine living in a world where everyone was perfectly honest and free of greed. Imagine a world where everyone worships nature rather than some benign apparition in the sky. Imagine a world where hatred has no home. THAT world deserves to live, THOSE humans deserve to be unscathed by the wrath of nature, not us.

Ive been high many a times and thought of such things but i came to realize life is all about cause and effect and checks and balances. Without something bad we would never have something good, follow me?

Its easy to say what we should and shouldnt do but nowadays with what? ..330 million citzens alone in this country, its very hard to go against what has become the "norm" in modern society. ..Common sense has become common ignorance. :wall:


New Member
Man made global warming via Gore non-sense proves over and over again that the citizens of the US are easily fooled. Very.... make a movie and a scary percentage automatically believes.

out. :blsmoke:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It sucks but you know what. We've already done way to much and gone way to far with this endangered species shit.I do feel bad because they are amazing animals.But the truth is it's EVOLUTION, I'm glad PETA wasn't around Millions of years ago because we'd all be fuckin running from Man eating Dinosaurs and shit.Polar Bears are awesome but it's natural that they pass on. We are all animals on this planet and in the great scheme of life it's survival of the fittest. If there meant to be here they'll adapt to the situation.I really feel bad for saying this but that's the way I see it.


Well-Known Member
It sucks but you know what. We've already done way to much and gone way to far with this endangered species shit.I do feel bad because they are amazing animals.But the truth is it's EVOLUTION, I'm glad PETA wasn't around Millions of years ago because we'd all be fuckin running from Man eating Dinosaurs and shit.Polar Bears are awesome but it's natural that they pass on. We are all animals on this planet and in the great scheme of life it's survival of the fittest. If there meant to be here they'll adapt to the situation.I really feel bad for saying this but that's the way I see it.
Darwins theory is valid, but only in natural selection. we're abusing this planet, literally. that's not natural selection.

we need to be careful which animals we allow to pass, it's a serious thing when animals go extinct, you've heard of food chains and ecosystems.

they don't just go back to normal when something disappears . . .


New Member
One of the BIG reasons why we are lousy stewards of the planet is because of religion. Religion states categorically that the planet was given to us and places us incorrectly at the center. Religion absolves people from their true responsibilty.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
One of the BIG reasons why we are lousy stewards of the planet is because of religion. Religion states categorically that the planet was given to us and places us incorrectly at the center. Religion absolves people from their true responsibilty.

out. :blsmoke:
AGREE!!!! there are countless problems that would never have existed without religion.


New Member
Not little problems either... most of the big ones are religious in origin. Still can't rid ourselves of the inner boogey man.... BOO! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I agree poplars with what your saying, it is different when we are causing the problem that's making them die unnaturally. But I do believe that when one species dies another will take its place. And on the religion topic, I am Roman Catholic (not by choice but I am), I feel that I know the truth about Religion, at least enough to satisfy my suspitions. I think religion is make to govern us, all the Laws are based on the 10 commandments, but for the most part it's just an imagionary friend for simple type people. I don't mean simple as in stupid or in any bad way either. I watched Zeitgeist awhile ago (very reccomended) and it explained alot. The real problem thats going on here is the people who govern the monetary system.
I really think everybody should watch these movies .
I'll post links they let you download it for free.


Well-Known Member
I agree poplars with what your saying, it is different when we are causing the problem that's making them die unnaturally. But I do believe that when one species dies another will take its place. And on the religion topic, I am Roman Catholic (not by choice but I am), I feel that I know the truth about Religion, at least enough to satisfy my suspitions. I think religion is make to govern us, all the Laws are based on the 10 commandments, but for the most part it's just an imagionary friend for simple type people. I don't mean simple as in stupid or in any bad way either. I watched Zeitgeist awhile ago (very reccomended) and it explained alot. The real problem thats going on here is the people who govern the monetary system.
I really think everybody should watch these movies .
I'll post links they let you download it for free.
not by choice but you are? :roll: are you not an adult who can think for yourself? i swear on my plants a lightning bolt will not come down and get you:mrgreen: and thats a powerful swear. they are not dying unaturally, the earth has natural climate changes!!!


Well-Known Member
if we are causing the problem, then why don't we stop? like right now? just stop, plant a garden and raise a cow. the auto makers begged for funds so we can continue on this path of destruction, and they got it. if we are killing the planet then why did this just happen? =/



Well-Known Member
Im afraid to say you folks need to start thinking for yourself. Climate change is NOT man made...to believe so is the height of arrogance. 99.5% of ALL greenhouse gasses are not even RELATED to substances man spews into the atmosphere. For christ's sake 95% is WATER VAPOR...how ya gonna control that.

But you believe FAT AL, who's entire ecological background was the famous spotted owl farce in the Pacific NW of the USA. Virtually shut down the logging industry, moved the entire freaking industry to Canada...thank you very much...and put TEN'S of THOUSANDS of families out of work. I know...I lived in Oregon during the entire debacle. And after all that...last year they come out and say...OOOPS the spotted owls wasn't really affected by logging, but rather by natural predators. MORONS...you go ahead and believe him...i KNOW BETTER.

And by the way...polar bears ARE FLOURISHING...enjoying the largest population GAINS in over two decades ... but you keep showing them sitting on floating chunks of ice...since they've only been doing exactly that forever. Why don't you people actually take some time and listen to the REAL scientists and climate experts that are finally showing some backbone and standing up the the JUNK science the "movement" likes to spout.


Research done by the U.S. Department of the Interior to determine if global warming threatens the polar bear population is so flawed that it cannot be used to justify listing the polar bear as an endangered species, according to a study being published later this year in Interfaces, a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
See also:

On April 30, U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken ordered the Interior Department to decide by May 15 whether polar bears should be listed under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act. (Note regarding decision: On May 15, 2008 the polar bear was listed as a 'threatened species' under the Endangered Species Act.)

Professor J. Scott Armstrong of the Wharton School says, “To list a species that is currently in good health as an endangered species requires valid forecasts that its population would decline to levels that threaten its viability. In fact, the polar bear populations have been increasing rapidly in recent decades due to hunting restrictions. Assuming these restrictions remain, the most appropriate forecast is to assume that the upward trend would continue for a few years, then level off.

“These studies are meant to inform the US Fish and Wildlife Service about listing the polar bear as endangered. After careful examination, my co-authors and I were unable to find any references to works providing evidence that the forecasting methods used in the reports had been previously validated. In essence, they give no scientific basis for deciding one way or the other about the polar bear.”

Prof. Armstrong and colleagues originally undertook their audit at the request of the State of Alaska. The subsequent study, “Polar Bear Population Forecasts: A Public Policy Forecasting Audit,” is by Prof. Armstrong, Kesten G. Green of Monash University in Australia, and Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. It is scheduled to appear in the September/October issue of the INFORMS journal Interfaces.

Professor Armstrong is author of Long-Range Forecasting, the most frequently cited book on forecasting methods, and Principles of Forecasting. He is a co-founder of the Journal of Forecasting, the International Journal of Forecasting, the International Symposium on Forecasting, and forecastingprinciples.com.
The authors examined nine U.S. Geological Survey Administrative Reports. The studies include “Forecasting the Wide-Range Status of Polar Bears at Selected Times in the 21st Century” by Steven C. Amstrup et. al. and “Polar Bears in the Southern Beaufort Sea II: Demography and Population Growth in Relation to Sea Ice Conditions” by Christine M. Hunter et al.

Prof. Armstrong and his colleagues concluded that the most relevant study, Amstrup et al. properly applied only 15% of relevant forecasting principles and that the second study, Hunter et al. only 10%, while 46% were clearly contravened and 23% were apparently contravened.

Further, they write, the Geologic Survey reports do not adequately substantiate the authors’ assumptions about changes to sea ice and polar bears’ ability to adapt that are key to the recommendations.
Therefore, the authors write, a key feature of the U.S. Geological Survey reports is not scientifically supported.

The consequence, they maintain, is significant: The Interior Department cannot use the series of reports as a sound scientific basis for a decision about listing the polar bear as an endangered species.

Prof. Armstrong testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on January 30, 2008 in a hearing, “Examining Threats and Protections for the Polar Bear.” A portion of the testimony can be viewed on a website partly supported by Prof. Armstrong and questioning climate change


New Member
I don't think we are capable of killing the planet, just ourselves. All species eventually fade away, we shall be no different. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
we'd have to be pretty arrogant to believe otherwise.
I wouldnt call it arrogance, more like the will to live. ...Theres a reason humans dominate this planet and thats because we adapt better than anything else. Intelligence it seems, isnt shared by all. ...And those without it, will not survive in the long run.

...I cant wait til the day comes and genetics/intellect plays an important role in society again ;-)