Police are racist as shit

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Really, not all cops are bad... I actually HAVE been helped by cops befor, just never in America...where I live. The majority of cops begin thier carreer with hoonest intentions, however it is their belief systems and levels of understanding that is the problem. They are just ignorant usually. But that isnt the whole problem, the real problem begins when you couple ignorance with ultimate authority, time, group assosiation, and lack of true accountability. When you have all these things present its usually just a matter of time until they lose sight of the shore. absolute power corrupts absolutely. Its a shame that in a country where most people there think its the best place in the world, the police are racist, ignorant,arrogant assholes. And lets not even get started on our judicial and prison systems...we have over 20 perecent of the worlds prisoners and 5 percent of its population. Over 750,ooo people were arrested and sentenced for mj posession alone, not sale or cultivatio


Well-Known Member
I don't care about the "Good intentions" Unless it meets fruition. Hitler had good intentions. He literally wanted to advance and evolve human kind to the next step in the universe and make us a perfect society.

You don't hear anyone defending his ignorance and arrogance though, just because he had "Good intention". You might know how to fix the world (country), but if it involves killing (Arresting) half the population. It's not going to work, and it's going to be rejected at some level, and eventually all levels.


Active Member
It sucks because I know there are some good police out there but there is so many dick heads and ass holes that the good is out weighted by the bad.


Well-Known Member
If they weren't given so much god damn authority they wouldn't let it go to their heads. Payed haters with guns just sounds like a bad idea to me to start with.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
police are just bullies for adults that how i look at them. They never helped me in my life only made things worst for me. Thats just my experience though.
Well, when your wife, or mother calls you at work (assuming you work), telling you that there's five guys trying to break down the door with the intent of raping her and your three daughters, get on the phone and call an illiterate hippie. That should do the trick.

I'd venture to say that not even five percent of those posting in this forum could last more than three weeks in any police academy in the country.


King Tut
Maybe not all are bad. But in a group, the good ones will back down from the others. And that's called indifference. And indifference is the true evil. When you recognize evil, but do nothing. You are a kind of evil in yourself.
Indifference toward injustice or immoral behavior is guilt imo.


King Tut
it's the police academy, not the bootcamp to make it into the navy seals.

Well, for SEALs there is a much smaller percentage. As for police academy, there is some physical training involved. Lost 50% of my class. Some physical, some mental, and some academic.


Well-Known Member

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
i graduated from a Cali academy so i know i'm not.
I knew by your post that you weren't bull shitting. My brother is a retired LEO and I have another relative who is currently a LEO in a Los Angeles suburb. The academy kicked their asses both physically and mentally. On the job is a MoFo too. 95% of what they deal with on a daily basis is negative. Not to mention that they put their lives on the line on a daily basis. The way I look at it, the police are our hired guns. We pay them through our tax dollars to pack heat so we don't have to.

And who would want to write all of those tedious reports every day? :lol:



King Tut
I knew by your post that you weren't bull shitting. My brother is a retired LEO and I have another relative who is currently a LEO in a Los Angeles suburb. The academy kicked their asses both physically and mentally. On the job is a MoFo too. 95% of what they deal with on a daily basis is negative. Not to mention that they put their lives on the line on a daily basis. The way I look at it, the police are our hired guns. We pay them through our tax dollars to pack heat so we don't have to.

And who would want to write all of those tedious reports every day? :lol:

BAD thing is that the majority do not seem to realize that it is WE, the People, paying their wages. There's a disconnect in many of their minds between the "People" and the "Government" imo. When you create so many laws against so many things and then give the enforcers of those laws so much lee-way as to their adherence to said laws then you have created a speacial class of people that i am more often comparing to the Gestapo.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
BAD thing is that the majority do not seem to realize that it is WE, the People, paying their wages. There's a disconnect in many of their minds between the "People" and the "Government" imo. When you create so many laws against so many things and then give the enforcers of those laws so much lee-way as to their adherence to said laws then you have created a speacial class of people that i am more often comparing to the Gestapo.
And that is exactly why we must keep reminding them of whom it is they work for. I do it as often as possible. Even did it in front of an entire courtroom once. After I was done with my diatribe, the judge admonished five Sheriff Deputies right there in front of everyone. I actually got a round of applause as I left the courtroom. :)

As you know, they work for us, not the other way around.


feff f

Active Member
"Marijuana can so destroy a man's character that he mixes freely with persons of another race." SA Criminology textbook, 1966.

But it's still ok to beat down our doors, and tear apart our families. All so a crazy badge and gun wielding lunatic can feel the thrill of chasing a flower.
you are right!! every black and spanish cop i ever ran into hated whites. good post.


Well-Known Member
So cops are supposed to protect and serve, has anyone even been protected by cops or have you only been served?