I've had one. This guy got one. We have see Asian beaten in SF.
So, this is a problem. It has nothing to do with race. Cops are on edge. Don't fuck with them.
The same goes for rattlesnakes. They never say "sorry."
Some people just shoot rattlesnakes. No need for 'sorry'.
And they may have to shoot that horse
So, this is a problem. It has nothing to do with race. Cops are on edge. Don't fuck with them.
I've had one. This guy got one. We have seen Asians beaten in SF.
So, this is a problem. It has nothing to do with race. Cops are on edge. Don't fuck with them.
The same goes for rattlesnakes. They never say "sorry."
Fucking shit for brains mindless robot cocksucking assholes. If I was there, I would of been the first one to sock one of them in the fucking mouth. Nobody puts hands on one of my boys.i've been pulled out of the car at the point of about 5 9mm guns, never said word one to any of the lovely peace officers, was cuffed, thrown on the ground, then kicked in the head and body by one of them..
love you pin, lolz...Fucking shit for brains mindless robot cocksucking assholes. If I was there, I would of been the first one to sock one of them in the fucking mouth. Nobody puts hands on one of my boys.
i've been pulled out of the car at the point of about 5 9mm guns, never said word one to any of the lovely peace officers, was cuffed, thrown on the ground, then kicked in the head and body by one of them..
Get your entire upper body tattooed like i did & it gets even better with cops , then get an attempted murder conviction ( Overturned ) for bashing a mugger so they want to shoot you as soon as they run your plate & it really gets exciting .
Every last time ive been stopped by the police since getting paroled its been at gun point , sometimes shotguns & assault rifles , even had one of the bastards call my wife a rag head & to shut her fukin mouth unless she wants some .
Ive been profiled for 40 yrs now by them sick fuks so i know what its like . It dont take much to set those fukers off does it .
I remember when I lived in the valley (209) my neighbor called the pigs when someone showed up to my house around midnight banging on my door to let him in. It was a good buddy of mine who was just coming by to pickup some blow, and have a drink. Pigs pounded on my door a few hours later, and like a dumbshit I answered it. They drew their pieces right away and threw me on the ground and took me in. I seen dude in county like 2 weeks later while I was waiting to be called in for my case, he admitted he called the pigs because his bitch ass got jumped by some sutressas the same day, and thought I had something to do with it( because of an old beef we had about a dope deal that went sour). They beat his ass raw. I heard that he had to have facial reconstructive surgery and shit. Like 100k's worth of damages. Shit can get turned around so quick, man. I heard he got shot like a month later by the same crew who actually had it out for him in the first place.Get your entire upper body tattooed like i did & it gets even better with cops , then get an attempted murder conviction ( Overturned ) for bashing a mugger so they want to shoot you as soon as they run your plate & it really gets exciting .
Every last time ive been stopped by the police since getting paroled its been at gun point , sometimes shotguns & assault rifles , even had one of the bastards call my wife a rag head & to shut her fukin mouth unless she wants some .
Ive been profiled for 40 yrs now by them sick fuks so i know what its like . It dont take much to set those fukers off does it .
You can kill the protester, but you can kill the protest.