Police dogs: how well can they smell bud?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yep needless to say we never hooked up again... Not because of that though, more because of the fact that we are really good friends and it was kinda awkward after..

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
true bro

dont bang close girl mates never ends well
Yeah for sure, i lucked out cause we are still close friend's to the day. But shit was awkward mostly because i used to have a huge thing for her but she had a BF at the time, so i got over it. Then around the time we started hooking up she had a huge thing for me but i didnt anymore. Who know's maybe someday in the future, we will see.


Well-Known Member
Just shove the bag up your pooter anytime you go anywhere, when the dog goes crazy for your crotch just play it off like you have a magic vagina ;)


You could take my uncle's advice... "Sprinkle an 8ball of coke all over the floor of your car, that way hopefully the dog get's a couple whiff's and get's to high to notice the drugs... Or if the dog does find your stash, fuck atleast you know you got that fucking dog" -- Uncle Chuck

lol that dog is gonna give alerts all over your car then the officer will commence in having your car towed and rip it apart to find a couple grams of weed because the dog thought you had kilos of coke in your floor lol.I couldn't waste a 8 ball on that anyway.


Well-Known Member
I've petted sniffer dogs with a quarter ounce on me. Took varying amounts of bud, seeds and hash home from Amsterdam with dogs parading up and down the waiting gate. They are useless X3

But I guess you should still exercise caution though, don't get in trouble because of me 0_o

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I've petted sniffer dogs with a quarter ounce on me. Took varying amounts of bud, seeds and hash home from Amsterdam with dogs parading up and down the waiting gate. They are useless X3

But I guess you should still exercise caution though, don't get in trouble because of me 0_o
i kinda find that hard to believe...not to call BS on it..but i been around working dogs all my life

when it comes to dogs, i dotn fuck with em...they can smell better than we can, and they can chase you down to ....lol


Well-Known Member
i kinda find that hard to believe...not to call BS on it..but i been around working dogs all my life

when it comes to dogs, i dotn fuck with em...they can smell better than we can, and they can chase you down to ....lol
I, too, had seeds and hash from amsterdam that the dogs did not smell.
Perhaps they were bomb dogs.

chalk it up to luck.. If a dog is trained to smell weed, they can and will use their noses.. O


Active Member
My grow shop sell heat sealed bags that u iron shut he claims police dogs can't smell through them, humans definitely can't.
I work in alot of schools around the S.Ga area. as a computer installer.
to my shock one day, the police started to search for drugs in each class room, not just sniffing lockers as done in the past.But this was a elementary school, and they were dragin this dog up and down every isle. past every kid, which was instructed not to touch the dog.
as i watched, sometimes the dog would just stop and sit, then get up. So whats the deal? the dog was sniffing kid shoes, if the dog "hit"......
mom and dad got a visit from the police suspected of growing pot. FYI, tho's bastards.!


Well-Known Member
My grow shop sell heat sealed bags that u iron shut he claims police dogs can't smell through them, humans definitely can't.
But you still need to find a way to get the weed in the bag without contaminating the outside with residue from the plant. Besides, if you smoke weed the smell stays on you and your clothes irregardless of how you carry it around. So you would still get busted by a police dog even if you found some flawless way of getting the weed in the heat bag. If I tried that in the UK and got arrested I'd get an additional charge of conspiracy and if they searched my house and found my 3 plants I'd get 14 years in prison.



Well-Known Member
My problem is, as a canine myself, I cannot help myself if I see a dog that interests me.

It is not a clever idea to waltz up to a dog with 15 police officers surrounding it carrying draw but 1) It could have been a bomb dog. Moreso with the Amsterdam trip because they got more upset over the propane tank than the lighters etc I had on me. I'm surprised airport security didn't give a shit about all my tins and baggies on my way to/from Berlin. I just wish they didn't have to put hands down my pants -_-;

2) Distraction. I also have a habit of jumping fences and playing with the guard dog. I guess these are intelligent, work oriented dogs. Everything is a game: action, reward, action, reward etc. I got all excited by this labrador that seemed really cool (minus the policeman attached to him) and he's all excited and we're so busy playing... You get it. I even turned back sadly as I walked away.

Same with the guard dogs, especially in Trinidad where they don't fuck around. People only keep dogs to guard their shit or attack people. Alsatians, rottweillers, APB Terriers, mastiffs and not much else. But really and truly human company still just doesn't always do it for me. I was desperately lonely tge whole time I was in that ghetto ass town, even where their dogs and police come with guns 0_o

Peoples' noses are useless, except for pot smokers. I guess like a wine enthusiast, smokers get a connoisseur-like familiarity with the smell and taste of different ganja. I spent 9 hours in a police station or with a police escort with another quarter ounce (my friend called the police that morning and made me give a statement etc when I told him I was assaulted, and I'd just scored to cheer myself up) They even went in my bag to get my phone and ID out because I was having a breakdown at the time and didn't clock on to anything.

When I chat to police casually about weed either they generally take a lenient attitude towards it. The only ones who wanted to argue the case with me were two women with kids a little younger than me and they just genuinely didn't like marijuana because they thought it hurt people, not just because it's their job to enforce the law.

Feds are people too (and so are their dogs). Perhaps all we need is a bit more mutual understanding, respect and communication.

I totally understand it sounds like BS. I'm not going to try and make anyone believe me, especially coming from a girl who believes she was born the wrong species lol. But all I can tell you is the truth, it benefits no one to lie for internet rep.

EDIT: Razztafarai, another Londoner? We should go hotbox a shed or something together lol. But yeah, I find that the weed smell sticks to certain fabrics more, which is annoying because I like to smoke in my comforting/cosy things and I will stink out the living room if I just want to chill in that hoodie. I swear my sweat smells of ganja at times 0_o

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Okay one time I took my work van out with my bro to go smoke and check out some scenery. I always felt that it was a suspicious looking vehicle since it was oversized and ghetto looking. The loads were heavy as hell so you can really see the tail end sag. I'm surprised I never got pulled over and searched in it in 3 years of driving it. I could have smuggled tons of weed across the state if I wanted to. Anyways, so we go get all super blazed and head back into town and pull up to this red light with a cop and a k9 unit. The dogs were in a trailer like a horse would be and they are like 3 feet from my window just barking at us. I look over at my brother wearing a 420 hat and I'm like dude take off your fucking hat. I about shit myself, we had weed and pipes and shit and we got stopped at 2 redlights like this and then the cops turned. That shit weirded me out LOL.


Active Member
just because they wont eat it doesnt mean they wont alert to it enough to possibly fool the handler