Police on RUI

Just a heads up if you sell anything with it being the intent of it being an illegal transaction it is a punishable offence. It's actually a counterfit substance charge. A kid I grew up with got busted selling counterfit coke. Could just be the state I live in too.

It's the same way here. Why even fuck with this guy? Don't talk to him anymore, and don't meet him. Try to talk about your rights while you're getting arrested, and watch the police laugh at you. If you don't have the money for a good lawyer I just wouldn't fuck with this guy. It's like people saying that a cop has to tell you he's a cop if you ask him. No they don't. That's a myth. They can use any means necessary to incriminate you, but they can't submit it in court. They'll just happen to have a reason to fuck with you after that, and they can make up anything they want really. After they've busted you, how they gathered information doesn't matter, nor will they submit it in court. Either way, you're still popped with manufacturing.
It's the same way here. Why even fuck with this guy? Don't talk to him anymore, and don't meet him. Try to talk about your rights while you're getting arrested, and watch the police laugh at you. If you don't have the money for a good lawyer I just wouldn't fuck with this guy. It's like people saying that a cop has to tell you he's a cop if you ask him. No they don't. That's a myth. They can use any means necessary to incriminate you, but they can't submit it in court. They'll just happen to have a reason to fuck with you after that, and they can make up anything they want really. After they've busted you, how they gathered information doesn't matter, nor will they submit it in court. Either way, you're still popped with manufacturing.

Great points, another thing the police count on and use to their advantage is Backed up courts and high bond pressure. Meaning even if their evedence is shaky or obtained outside the letter of the law they jail you with a high ass bond, Then come to you with an easy probation or light jail sentence to get you to cop. Your options are to wait a year to 18 months to get in front of the court. s for the right to a quick and speedy trial, alot of states are under duress with the crowdedness of their courts and have been given a reprieve, or possible loop holes to circumvent the six month speedy trial motion. i.e. the labs on the substance are not back yet. Really sucks. Ask the kid I grew up with.
Man the feds got alot more important shit to worry about than your clones, i wouldnt meet the prick but i wouldnt get so fuckin paranoid.- now- i live right by your house man....whats up wit them xanax.
that would be the easiest bust that cop makes.

don't do it, ignore him, and keep going with your life...

that was a cop going through the forum reading, carefully, looking at pics, analyzing posts, then he noticed you screwed up by letting them know your general location. he then set up a bullshit account and put up sum posts just to look "legit" and asked you for that "favor".

while you are here considering it he is calling the cavalry to set up a sting operation should you choose to be stupid.

the cops know everyone here is growing, it's just impossible to prove where those pics we put up were taken. they might know where you live, they know you have seen marijuana plants, they might even know you are actively seeking to harvest and smoke all that bud....but they can't prove anything without the plants, without a rat, or you being a dumbass...... they cannot prove you are growing, hell it's pretty hard to find probable cause. and no proof or probable cause = no warrant, which means no search and no arrest.

that's why they need for things like this to happen, for them to entrap people, for them to scare rats into snitching, they have no proof, and they know it's staying that way unless they engage in shady police work.....

remember this too:

Oh yeah so everybody knows i was just fuckin around. I dont know where anyone on this site lives and i dont give a fuck. And no one should ever try to make an attempt to locate people from the internet, even them e harmony bitches will kill you in your sleep.
Just a heads up if you sell anything with it being the intent of it being an illegal transaction it is a punishable offence. It's actually a counterfit substance charge. A kid I grew up with got busted selling counterfit coke. Could just be the state I live in too.
yeah buddy of mine sold oregano in 7th grade and got busted by cops in front of the whole school... so bad ass at 13. charged with intent to distribute imitation CDS (controlled dangerous substance)