Police Theives.!


Well-Known Member
that's why you don't talk to cops.

they have a very particular way of approaching situations and while they're making you think they're helping you out, they're really trying to arrest ANYBODY, they don't care who.


Well-Known Member
This is a sad situation.
Did you invite the cops into your home? If you have to (absolutely must) call Leo, you should call them from a different location.
Somewhere there isn't ilegal activity going on. You drew them directly to your Operation. When you go to court they are going to say they
1: smelled marijuana.
2: you were acting suspicious.
3:they was paraphanelia/contaband in plain site!

Thus giving them a higher percenatge of making the evidence submissible in court.
Your lawyers job in court is to catch them in a lie. If your lawyer makes them slip up once, then 9 times out of 10 its getting thrown out of court. It won't be easy but if your lawyer is good and witty with words then he'll make them slip up eventually.
Gl, I hope it works out for you bud


Well-Known Member
I will never call police for any reason, if I have a problem, I handle it myself, I protect my own property. If police need to talk to me for any reason, and ive had them try and knock like when there was a shooting next door. I look out the window on my door and stare but never open. It is not my job to help them, I just say, "do your own job" or "I saw nothing". Nothing, I mean nothing good can ever come out of interacting with these people.
I never call, or will call them, for any reason, even life and death. I've seen too many times in the past that most of them could give 2 shits about "protecting" or "serving", anything other than themselves and their fellow pigs. They are all trolls as far as I'm concerned, and it doesn't bother them in the least to take down good people, to further their own career and agenda. I protect my own family and property myself, and If I can't handle the situation myself, then I'm just screwed. Only the sheep amongst us run to police every time they have a problem, and are willing to give up personal freedoms for protection.

Like has been said 1000's of times before, Never Talk to or Interact with the Police for ANY Reason, they are not here to help you.