Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

My in-laws are Russian. I'll take their word and the Russians I've met and discussed history with, including Alexander Solzhenitsyn, over yours.

No, they were not Jewish.
Imagine being that ignorant to use Solzhenitsyn to try to back up your point


Imagine being that ignorant to use Solzhenitsyn to try to back up your point



What someone writes when they're young and believes when they're older and know better are two completely different things.

If he hated them so much, why would he ever have moved back to Moscow and live in the same apartment building with them?

I'll await your next moronic meme to answer that one.
What someone writes when they're young and believes when they're older and know better are two completely different things.

If he hated them so much, why would he ever have moved back to Moscow and live in the same apartment building with them?

I'll await your next moronic meme to answer that one.
Where does he say he hates them? He is just describing the historical process that left almost 70 million dead in Russia in the first half of last century.
I didn't give you meme responses, they are quotes from the person you cited as an authoritative figure.
He was a child when most of this happened, so maybe he changed his viewpoint after we he got older and learned more. I am curious why you brought him up in the first place, what was the point that you were trying to make with that? Did he make some different claims in his other pieces of literature or something else I should be aware of?



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He is just describing the historical process that left almost 70 million dead in Russia in the first half of last century.

First it was 20, then 50, now 70.

Fact is, Solzhenitsyn was just as much an idiot back then as Adolf Hitler was. He blamed the Jews for everything. The government was infested with Jews. It was the Jews that killed everybody, lost the war, locked everybody up, blah, blah, blah fuckitty blah.

Its the same antisemitic bullshit all anti-Semites use.

There was and still is no truth to any of it on either man's part. They blamed the people they hated. People like you still do even when the reality is it's your own fault for being a patent idiot.
Solzhenitsyn was just as much an idiot back then as Adolf Hitler was.
Also, you are the one who brought Solzhenitsyn up as an authoritative figure a few posts up on this page. Now you jump ship and abandon it once you find out what historically happened and his actual analysis. lol thats just funny.

He blamed the Jews for everything.
Why did he do that? Kind of like how you blame Trump/Nazi's for everything today?

There was and still is no truth to any of it on either man's part.
These are historical facts, just because you say something isn't true, doesn't mean anything. Why don't you provide some evidence to back up your claims? Just because you dislike something doesn't make it that it never happened.